LPAB Diploma in Law Introduction to Library Services Summer Session University of Sydney Freehills Law Library Patrick O'Mara – LPAB Librarian
The Basics -See pp of Course Information Handbook - Buying Textbooks -Library/Student ID Cards -Where is the Library? -Supplementary Materials -Legal Research Classes - Services for LPAB Students 2
Buying Textbooks Co-op Bookshop Sydney Uni Sport & Aquatic Centre Building G09, Cnr Codrington Street & Darlington Road University of Sydney NSW 2006 Ph: (02) / (02) Co-op Legal and Professional Bookshop Shop 2, 153 Phillip Street Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: (02) SRC Second Hand Bookshop Level 3, Wentworth Building University of Sydney 5 3
Queries about Library / Student ID C ards Campus Card Centre Phone: (02) Web: Location: Level 2, Fisher Library, Camperdown Campus Details on page 35 of Course Information Handbook 4
Where are we? 5
Libraries and Collections 6
LPAB Student Resources 7
Finding Resources – Where to start? Books - Library catalogue Online resources - Law databases page You need a UniKey to log into online Library resources from off-campus computers. You must be registered on the LEC site before you can get your Unikey login and password. 8
Supplementary Materials 9
Legal Institutions Supplementary Materials 10
How can we help? ›Consultations: in person/phone/ ›Information Desk: call ›Legal Research sessions tomorrow! 11
More Classes! 12
Other useful stuff ›Computer access labs - Law Library, Fisher Library, and other locations - Word processing, printing and help with wireless internet etc. ›Reciprocal borrowing with other university libraries (ULA scheme) ›Distance student services ›Database access ›Group study rooms – very popular, so remember to book ›Designated quiet study spaces ›…and some books (about 5 million) 13