Health and Safety Executive Update on progress in implementing the recommendations of the Löfstedt report Anthony Lees Construction policy unit
Background October 2011 March 2011 April 2011 July 2011 November 2011 March 2012 June 2012 Common Sense, Common Safety Ministerial Statement – Good health and safety, good for everyone Löfstedt appointed Red Tape Challenge launched spotlight on H&S legislation Reclaiming Health and Safety for All Implementation started Budget 2012 Reform progress report ToR for One year on
Review of ACoPs ~200 sets of Regulations 52 ACoPs 20 associated with other regulatory processes Initial review of remainder now underway Public consultation to be launched 25 June Review to be completed by November 2013
Self-employed exemption To apply in low risk occupations Self-employed genuinely not putting others at risk Will require changes to primary legislation – with associated potential difficulties Need to consider how construction is exempted Planned to consult from July – November 2012 Committed to implementing by end of 2013
Revocations (1 st tranche – on track to be removed by Oct 2012) 2 nd tranche – consultation from April to July Any changes effective from April 2013 Two sets of regulations relevant to construction: Tower cranes Head protection
Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 Largely duplicate requirements contained in PPE at Work Regulations 1992 – consultation suggests no reduction in standards Would require consequential amendment Main issue is that industry understands proposals and interprets them correctly – would need to avoid unintended consequences
Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 (2) Greatest potential for misunderstanding with small contractors Poor response rate in consultation Need to have better understanding of SME views to ensure that the Impact Assessment is valid
Notification of Conventional Tower Cranes Regulations 2010 Designed to reassure the public, but IA did not predict …direct health and safety benefits LOLER remains unchanged Package of measures beyond regulations Evaluation showed no benefits in public assurance Consultation aims to test validity of assumptions
RIDDOR 1995 Amendment to reduce reporting requirements came into effect 6 April Löfstedt concerned about scope for confusion Consultation on amendment planned for second half of 2012 Amendments would come into force October 2013
Mythbusters Panel Non-regulators challenge panel has now commenced its work Public can refer decisions which are disproportionate/inaccurate for opinion HSE Chair and 11 independent members To date considered over 40 cases Case summaries published on:
Next steps Regular updates on DWP website Standing item on CONIAC agenda One Year On report