Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive The Health and Safety Executive and Construction Priority Programme
The Construction Programme Construction is an HSE priority HSEs Construction Programme aimed at stimulating the industry to improve its health and safety record Programme sets priority topics: - safety - health - front end interventions
Why front end interventions? Clients – have information on risks Designers – introduce risk Contractors – manage risk Workers – endure risk Clients – bear the legacy of risk
Construction programme and CDM dutyholders Varied interventions used e.g. ; - visits to CDM duty holders - visits to Government as client - intervention plans for large projects - supply chain initiative - interacting with the Workforce
2001 Summit Industry Targets To reduce the incidence rate of: Fatalities and major injuries by 40% by 2004/05 and by 66% by 2009/10 Cases of work-related ill-health by 20% by 2004/05 and by 50% by 2009/10 To reduce the number of working days lost per 100,000 workers from work- related ill health by 20% by 2004/05 and 50% by 2009/10
Progress Against Targets
Ownership, Leadership, Partnership
RfP Code of Good Working Practices Everyone; Has the right to a safe, healthy workplace Has the right to be heard and influence their working conditions Has the right to return home safely at the end of the working day Must work to bring about behavioural change by respecting and protecting the industrys workers and others
What can YOU do? Sign up to the Code of Practice Consult with professional institutions Integrated / partnership working Sharing information CDM consultative document Sensible health and safety
Where can I get more information? Find Out More HSEs construction web pages at;