Biodiversity data and papers production as a support to conserve Atlantic Forest areas in Brazil Felipe de Araújo Sobrinho Alexandre Gabriel Christo & Rejan R. Guedes-Bruni (Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro) 2º. Meeting of the International Research Programme Validity of Scientific Knowledge and public policies jun 2007
Atlantic Rain Forest: actual coverture in Rio de Janeiro state
Macaé de Cima Ecological Reserve: scientific basis Macaé de Cima Ecological Reserve Area: ha Criation: Municipal Decrete nº 156, on january 3, Basis: – Occurrence of 883 angiosperm’ species 17 new, described to science 32 identified as local endemics – Representative area of Serra do Mar, with well conservated forest – High level of species colected only in the sec. XIX by Glaziou – Forest occurrence in a very important hidric resource in the regional area
Macaé de Cima Conservation Process: Histórico preliminar Macaé de Cima Environmental Protected Area Area: ha Criation: State Decret nº , on september 9, 2001 Consultiv Council : stabilished by State Decret on september 16, 2005 Administration: FEEMA until march 3, 2007 when by Resolution of State Environment Secretary, is atributed to State Florestal Institut (IEF) Fundamentação: ?
Macaé de Cima Conservation Process: preliminary report Ambiental Protected Area of Macaé de Cima Area: ha Criation: State Decret nº , on september 9, 2001 Consultiv Council : stabilished by State Decret in september 16, 2005 Administration: FEEMA until march 3, 2007 when by Resolution of State Environment Secretary, is atributed to State Florestal Institut (IEF) Fundamentação: ?
Macaé de Cima Conservation: preliminary historic Três Picos Stadual Park Area: ha. Foundation: State Decret no , on june 5, 2002 Basis: To assure the remains forest preservation of Serra do Mar’s Atlantic Rain Forest and also to restore degradeted areas; To preserve rare species, endemics and in dangerous of extinction or insufficiently known of fauna and flora To join the Serra do Mar’s Ecologic Central Corridor; To assure the maintenance of nascents and hidric resources that provide the cities around the areas; To stimulate recreation activities, environmental education and scientific research when compatible with the Park’s objectives.
Brazilian scientific production in Atlantic Rain Forest in the last 10 years (on line journals) Acta bot. bras. Ambiente & Sociedade Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências Biodiversity and Conservation Conservation Biology Conservation International Economic Botany Environment, Development and Sustainability Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Fitoterapia Forest Ecology and Management História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos Horizontes Antropológicos Human Ecology Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine Nature New Forests Plant Ecology R. Árvore Rev. Brasil. Biol. Revista Brasil. Bot. Revista Cerne Revista de Antropologia Rodriguésia Scientia Florestalis n = 157 period = 1997 to 2007 N= 157 Period= 1997 to 2007
Biodiversity data as a support to protect Atlantic Forest in Brazil: preliminary comments Papers published during 80’ years about Atlantic Forest ecology was rare, in spite the most important brazilian scientific institutions and universities be happened in it’s ocurrence area; During the 90’ years the scientific publications had a great jump but the functionality of the forests only begins to be studied in the end of the decade; Data from biological collections, deposited in Museums and herbaria, with the specialist’s knowledge, have supported this conservation process; Workshops’ promoted during 90’ years, mainly for Conservation International of Brazil, gathered the most active researchers in flora and fauna. The data inventoried by them stablished the criteria to define priority areas for conservation.