Jim Peters IFAD Governing Council Meeting – Side Event February 20, 2004 Conservation as a Foundation for Sustainable Development: The Global Conservation.


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Presentation transcript:

Jim Peters IFAD Governing Council Meeting – Side Event February 20, 2004 Conservation as a Foundation for Sustainable Development: The Global Conservation Fund, Tropical Forests, Biodiversity, and Human Welfare

GCF Mission “The GCF finances the creation, expansion and long-term management of protected areas in the world’s biodiversity hotspots, high biodiversity wilderness areas and important marine regions (notably coral reef hotspots).”

Establishing new protected areas Expanding existing protected areas Upgrading multiple use zones and forest reserves Creating demarcated indigenous lands Land purchases Conservation concessions Transforming logging concessions into protected areas Types of Projects Funded

$100 Million Fund Three types of grants: Planning/strategy development grants Project implementation grants Long-term financing Project implementation grants and long-term financing grants require a 1:1 matching fund Provides an opportunity to leverage poverty reduction projects funds that are targeted to the rural poor near or in protected areas

27 Grants Awarded in FY03: $270,105 for 11 Planning Grants $3,702,991 for 16 Project Implementation Grants Example: Cambodia – GAT Logging Concession to the Central Cardamoms Protected Forest (CCPF)

History 2002 – GCF provided funding to launch the Cardamom Conservation Program (CCP) CI worked with the DFW to procure data needed to justify PA creation Project implementation financing provided so rangers could close the forest to poachers Prime Minister Hun Sen signed CCPF into existence on July GCF to secure a $2.5 million trust fund to support park management

Structure of the CCP Biological Outcomes Definition and Monitoring Enforcement Community Livelihoods Regional Planning

Addressing Community Livelihood Needs Three approaches: Participatory Land Use Planning Multidisciplinary Land Use Assessments Community education on environmental laws and on how other people value biodiversity Establishes a common sense of what biodiversity is and how it is valued Establishes a common sense of prioritized economic opportunities and the areas where they take place

Types of Opportunities to Increase Livelihoods in the CCPF Agricultural intensification –Irrigated rice production –Agroforestry/Animal husbandry Improving marketing systems and/or cultivation of NTFPs Reforesting degraded areas with high value timber species Ecotourism Park management employment in monitoring and enforcement Improved access to education Improved access to RH/FP

Linking Livelihood Enhancement Activities to Conserving Globally Threatened Spp. in the PA Land and/or resource tenure is secured Institutional support exists across key government agencies Livelihood activities have high enough returns per unit of labor Risks of engaging in an activity are perceived to be low Selected investments lower dry season labor surpluses Opportunities to improve livelihoods are spread equitably across society Key local level stakeholders (hunters, traders, government officials etc.) are participating in acceptable alternatives Emergency health care expenses are covered by the program Enforcement and monitoring systems ensure conservation outcomes are met, provide extra income, and increase local understanding of and support for meeting conservation needs

Leveraging Conservation Funds to Meet Livelihood Needs in and around the PAs GCF – expected annual contribution from trust fund $175,000+ annually FFI – partnership expands PA coverage to 1.1 million ha. and match trust fund provides another $175,000+ annually CARE – partnership to provide RH/FP services Save Cambodia’s Wildlife – partnership to provide environmental education services Royal Cambodian Government – FA, MOE, MOI, Armed Forces, MOH (Education/Tourism TBD) Donors – The 3 PAs are currently funded by USAID, DANIDA, the GEF, and the EU

Conclusions The GCF leveraging requirement creates incentives to link poverty reduction activities to meeting conservation outcomes Conservation funds available for meeting the needs of the rural poor are used more efficiently through GCF partnership incentives GCF flexibility ensures that the livelihood needs of the poor are met either through the funds themselves or through leveraged funds from partners