National Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education for Sustainable Development
Uzbekistan: key figures Population 26 mln people. Population 26 mln people. The density of population: in Andijan region – about 400 people in 1 sq km. The density of population: in Andijan region – about 400 people in 1 sq km. In Navoi region – about 17 people. About 60% of population is living in rural areas. More than half of the total population is under 25 years old. More than 130 ethnic groups. Two ministries of education in Uzbekistan ; the Ministry of of Higher and Secondary Specialized education and the Mnistry of Public Education. Two ministries of education in Uzbekistan ; the Ministry of of Higher and Secondary Specialized education and the Mnistry of Public Education. Education system is mainly financed and administrated by the State. Education system is mainly financed and administrated by the State. More than 10,000 general secondary schools,63 high educational and 539 technical and vocational institutions. More than 10,000 general secondary schools,63 high educational and 539 technical and vocational institutions. Almost 99% of the population is literate.. Almost 99% of the population is literate.. The textbooks are published in 7 languages. The textbooks are published in 7 languages. 7,8% of GDP (2005) is provided for the needs of educational system 7,8% of GDP (2005) is provided for the needs of educational system
Sustainable development issues in Uzbekistan Many of SD issues are inherited from the Soviet period. Many of SD issues are inherited from the Soviet period. Absolute or partial loss of natural resources; Absolute or partial loss of natural resources; Decreased productivity of landscapes; Decreased productivity of landscapes; Exhaustion of water system and soils; Exhaustion of water system and soils; Aral sea disaster; Aral sea disaster; Desertification; Desertification; Salinization; Salinization; Intercultural dialogue Intercultural dialogue
Adopted documents in SD in Uzbekistan Activities for Realization of the Program of Actions in Environment Conservation ( ) Activities for Realization of the Program of Actions in Environment Conservation ( ) Program of Environmental Monitoring ( ) Program of Environmental Monitoring ( ) State Program on Provision of Rural Population with drinking Water and Natural gas for the period State Program on Provision of Rural Population with drinking Water and Natural gas for the period National Environmental Action Plan ( ) National Environmental Action Plan ( ) State Program for Environmental Protection and the Ra6tional Use of Natural Resources ( ) State Program for Environmental Protection and the Ra6tional Use of Natural Resources ( ) President’s Decree “On priority Areas to Strengthen Agriculture Reforms” (2003) President’s Decree “On priority Areas to Strengthen Agriculture Reforms” (2003) National Action Program to Combat Desertification (1999) National Action Program to Combat Desertification (1999) National Strategy and Action for Biodiversity Conservation (1998) National Strategy and Action for Biodiversity Conservation (1998) National Action Plan on Environmental Hygiene (1995) National Action Plan on Environmental Hygiene (1995) National Environmental Health Action Plan (2004) National Environmental Health Action Plan (2004) National Waste Management and Action Plan (under formulated) National Waste Management and Action Plan (under formulated) Strategic Program on Counteracting the HIV/AIDS Epidemic during (2003). Strategic Program on Counteracting the HIV/AIDS Epidemic during (2003). New Strategic Program on Counteracting the HIV/AIDS (2006). New Strategic Program on Counteracting the HIV/AIDS (2006).
Implementation of ESD in Uzbekistan ESD is consedered as one of the key prioryty ESD is consedered as one of the key prioryty «Development of Environmental Education and Perspectives of Improvement of Preparing and Retraining of Personnel in Environmental protection in Uzbekistan for » adopted earlier this year. National Policy on ESD is starting to be implemented from 2006; «Development of Environmental Education and Perspectives of Improvement of Preparing and Retraining of Personnel in Environmental protection in Uzbekistan for » adopted earlier this year. National Policy on ESD is starting to be implemented from 2006; Coordination Council for Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development is being created Coordination Council for Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development is being created
Some recent events in the field of ESD May 11, UNESCO Office in Tashkent, the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO and National University of Uzbekistan had organized the National launch of DESD; May 11, UNESCO Office in Tashkent, the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO and National University of Uzbekistan had organized the National launch of DESD; 15 June 2006 National seminar on “Improvement of Environmental Education”, 15 June 2006 National seminar on “Improvement of Environmental Education”, August 17-27, 2006 UNESCO Youth Camp «Youth and Sustainable Development: Environment for Healthy Life” for 180 young leaders. August 17-27, 2006 UNESCO Youth Camp «Youth and Sustainable Development: Environment for Healthy Life” for 180 young leaders.
UNESCO Youth Camp «Youth and Sustainable Development: Environment for Healthy Life”
Perspectives of ESD in Uzbekistan The main objectives in future: To improve the quality of Basic Education; To improve the quality of Basic Education; To develop values education; To develop values education; To incorporate SD issues into formal and nonformal education systems; To incorporate SD issues into formal and nonformal education systems; To increase the role of ICT in Education (to supply secondary schools with computers; increase computer literacy); To increase the role of ICT in Education (to supply secondary schools with computers; increase computer literacy); To develop electronic textbooks and multimedia trainings aids. To develop electronic textbooks and multimedia trainings aids.