2 “Selling to the poor may be more profitable than selling to you and me. This is where the future is. Opportunities are every where. The divide is not about lack of opportunity, it is about lack of imagination.” C.K. Prahalad
"Financial inclusion is the process of ensuring access to financial services and timely and adequate credit needed by vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low income groups at an affordable cost.“ Dr. Rangarajan Committee on Financial Inclusion What is financial inclusion
Our Efforts – So Far 5
Achievements at a Glance 6
3.3 mn + Customer base 7 AP UP Achievements at a Glance
Our Experiential Learnings 8
Particulars Total Villages to be covered at the end of the year Out of Which Population Villages * Out of Which Less than 2000 Population Deployment of BLBUs (CSPs) Total Customers Mission to Achieve 9 *No of villages with population is 3159 allotted by SLBCs for coverage by March, 2012
The Target 10
Target Segment 11
12 How the bank is moving ahead The Strategy
13 The Strategy
The Action Plan 14
The Action Plan 15
Technology Adopted 16
Year / Parameter No. of accounts (in lakhs) Total deposits Total Advances Total Business (Rs. In Lacs) Projected Business under FI 17
Micro-Credit Products on Offer…
Micro-Products on Offer…
20 Reaching Out To Small & Marginal farmers- PACS MODEL: Bridge the funding gap faced by members due to paucity of funds in PACS and relieve farmers from the clutches of informal sources/ money lenders (70% PACS members are small & marginal farmers) Co-options, a Technologies Solution Ltd. Co., has bagged computerization of PACS in AP pursuant to Vaidyanathan Committee recommendations Co-Options Technologies Limited offers end-to-end services in enabling Bank to provide top up crop loans to farmer members of PACS through BC-M/s Co- Options Rural Foundation (CRF) Co-Options solution envisages sourcing farmer, undertaking due diligence, disbursement and recovery of dues. The sanction of loan is vested with Branch Manager Our Pioneering Efforts
PACS in AP are with better track record. Of these 625 are computerized Credit requirement of each PACS is Rs lacs Hence, scope of lending to farmers through this model Rs.500 Crores in the state of Andhra Pradesh Loan ticket size is Rs 1.00 lac Pilot launched in February 2009 at Nizamabad, Chittoor and East Godavari districts of AP - successful with 99% recovery 7000 loans sanctioned -- amount disbursed Rs Crore Reaching Out To Small & Marginal farmers- PACS MODEL: Contd…
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