ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the US Department of Energy Process Management Adam Simpson OLCF User Support
2 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Process Management Daemon Process –Perpetually running program –Run even when user is not logged in Scheduled process –Process that runs at scheduled time intervals Run process every x hours Run process at xx:xx ever day
3 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Cron Don’t use Cron at the OLCF –Jobs subject to be deleted without notice –Cron untility subject to be disabled –Crontab not persistent between OS upgrades –Not robust w.r.t system downtimes –Only available on a small set of resources
4 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Daemons: Chained Jobs Recursively submitted PBS jobs –n th +1 job depends on completion of n th job Recommended option for OLCF resources size 0 Job –Does not count against allocation –Runs on service node Create dependency with qsub flag -W depend=afterok:{jobid} =afternotok:{jobid} =afterany:{jobid}
5 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Daemons: daemon.py import time from datetime import datetime while True: print str(datetime.now()) time.sleep(30)
6 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Daemons: launcher.pbs #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -l nodes=0 #PBS -A PRJ123 qsub -W depend=afterok:$PBS_JOBID launcher.pbs python -u $HOME/daemon.py >> $HOME/daemon.out 2>&1
7 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Daemons: running Start $ qsub launcher.pbs Monitor $ showq –u $USER active jobs {jobid} Running blocked jobs {jobid#2} Hold Stop $ qdel {jobid} {jobid#2}
8 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Scheduled Jobs Instead of Cron use qsub qsub -a [[[[CC]YY]MM]DD]hhmm[.SS] [CC] – first digits of year [YY] – second digits of year [MM] – month [DD] – day hhmm – hour minute [.SS] - seconds
9 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Scheduled Jobs: sched.py from datetime import datetime print str(datetime.now())
10 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Scheduled jobs: launcher.pbs #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00 #PBS -l nodes=0 #PBS -A PRJ123 qsub -a 1030 launcher.pbs python $HOME/sched.py >> $HOME/sched.out 2>&1
11 Intellectual Property Training August 2014 Scheduled jobs: launcher.pbs #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00 #PBS -l nodes=0 #PBS -A PRJ123 DT=$(date -d “+12 hours” +%H%M) qsub -a $DT launcher.pbs python $HOME/sched.py >> $HOME/sched.out 2>&1