Plate Tectonics Jeopardy Game
Game On! Final Challenge I know my boundaries Boundaries too History Of Tectonics Layers of Earth Fact Maniac
This type of plate boundary occurs when two plates slide past each other forming a zigzag plate margin. The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a ______ boundary. I know my boundaries for 100
What are Transform Boundaries?
I know my boundaries for 200 These are boundaries where plates move together and form a collision or subduction zone.
I know my boundaries for 200 What are Convergent Boundaries
I know my boundaries 300 These boundaries are created when plates move apart and new material is added to the Earth’s crust. An example is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
I know my boundaries 300 What Are Divergent Boundaries What are divergent boundaries?
I know my boundaries 400 Steep sided depressions that form at divergent boundaries are called ________. This map contains a triple example of one.
I know my boundaries 400 Rift Valleys What are Rift Valleys
I know my boundaries 500 An _______________ as a result of built-up energy along plate boundaries.
I know my boundaries 500 What are earthquakes?
When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate deep trenches may form. The most famous of these is an 11,000 meter deep trench called the _________. Boundaries-2 for 100
What is The Marianas Trench?
Boundaries-2 for 200 When plates collide, one plate may slide beneath another creating an area called a __________ zone.
Boundaries-2 for 200 What is a Subduction Zone?
When the European Plate and the Indian Plate collided the two continents formed a large mountain range called ________. Boundaries-2 for 300
What are the Himalayas? Boundaries-2 for 300
Volcanic arcs and oceanic trenches encircle the Pacific Basin creating a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This large area of convergence and subduction is called _________ ________ ___ __________. Boundaries-2 for 400
What is The Ring of Fire?
The vast majority of earthquakes and volcanoes occur along ___________. Boundaries-2 for 500
What are Plate Boundaries? Or What is The Pacific Rim? Boundaries-2 for 500
The theory that the continents are constantly moving over the surface of the earth is called: History of Tectonics for 100
What is The Theory of Continental Drift?
The scientist who proposed that the continents were once part of a super continent. History of Tectonics for 200
Who is Alfred Wegner? History of Tectonics for 200
The name of the super continent theorized by Alfred Wegner. History of Tectonics for 300
What is Pangaea?
History of Tectonics for 400 When Paleontologists found evidence of similar __________ on continents separated by great geographic distance, the idea of a super continent Pangaea was supported.
History of Tectonics for 400 What are species or fossils?
History of Tectonics for 500 Scientists studying _______________, the detection of the Earth’s movement, proved that earthquakes and volcanoes seem to align along belts that define the tectonic plates.
History of Tectonics for 500 What is Seismology?
The Earth's Layers for 100 The continents and the oceans are part of this layer of the earth’s surface. It is the lightest layer of the Earth.
The Earth's Layers for 100 What is the Crust?
The Earth's Layers for 200 A semi-liquid layer of the Mantle just under the lithosphere that flows as a result of convection currents and causes plates to move.
The Earth's Layers for 200 What is the aesthenosphere?
The Earth's Layers for 300 Fluid movements just below the lithosphere that causes earthquakes, mountain building and volcanoes.
The Earth's Layers for 300 What are convection currents?
The Earth's Layers for 400 This layer is composed of solid iron and nickel. Although it is the smallest layer, it is the heaviest.
The Earth's Layers for 400 What is the inner core?
The Earth's Layers for 500 Between the mantle and the inner core, this layer is liquid iron and nickel.
The Earth's Layers for 500 What is the outer core?
Fact Maniac for 100 Most of these are due to the release of built-up energy along plate boundaries. When the pressure on a fault overcomes the friction on a fault, this occurs.
Fact Maniac for 100 What is an earthquake?
Fact Maniac for 200 Earthquakes release energy in the form of these
Fact Maniac for 200 What are primary and secondary waves?
Fact Maniac for 300 The amount of energy released during an Earthquake is measured by seismographs and reported as _____________.
Fact Maniac for 300 What is magnitude?
Fact Maniac for 400 Inside the earth’s core, a reaction occurs which that breaks heavy element into smaller pieces causing a chain reaction. This event is called
Fact Maniac for 400 What is Fission?
Fact Maniac for 500 Scientists believe that these reactions inside the Earth’s core create convection currents that move Earth’s plates.
Fact Maniac for 500 What is Nuclear Fission?