NSP provision within Hostels Des Kirby The Hungerford Drug Project Wednesday 1 st July 2009
NSP provision within Hostels We provide The Exchange Service at: English Churchs King Georges Hostel Novas Contemporary Urban Centre Soho Look Ahead Victoria Hostel St Mungos Westminster Assessment Centre All hostels provide accommodation and support for Westminsters homeless problematic drug users
NSP provision within Hostels Why Hostels? Target group were not accessing the NSP provision at the time DAAT – created a regular multi-agency meeting, Clean Break, to look at this and all issues that affect long term homeless drug users and how services can work in partnership to provide effective support and treatment Organisations encouraged more user involvement initiatives and steering groups were ideas and recommendations were sought and fed back to the Clean Break Meetings From this process the idea of taking NSP provision into highlighted hostels was agreed
NSP provision within Hostels Our Clients are: Long term entrenched street homeless with history of substance mis-use All are poly drug users, with most injecting both crack and heroin All have or are still involved within the criminal justice system The majority have severe wounds and infections that require immediate attention
NSP provision within Hostels More than just an Exchange
NSP provision within Hostels 1. What equipment do you take from The Exchange at present and have there been any changes in the last 4 weeks
NSP provision within Hostels EquipmentSizeAmount used per day Changes in the last 4 weeks (yes / no) (if yes give a brief explanation) Barrel Needle Citric Vit C Sterile Water Spoons Filters Swabs Foil Condoms Crack Pack
NSP provision within Hostels Have you had to re-use any equipment in the last 4 weeks? (if yes, why)
NSP provision within Hostels 3.Have you shared any injecting / smoking equipment with anyone in the last 4 weeks? (if yes, why)
NSP provision within Hostels 4.In the last 4 weeks have you had to lend or borrow / give equipment to anyone else? (if yes, who and why)
NSP provision within Hostels 5.In the last 4 weeks have you used any gear that was not prepared by yourself? (if yes, where and why)
NSP provision within Hostels 6.Have you overdosed or seen anyone overdose in the last 4 weeks (if yes, where, why and did you/they do) Can you explain what you would do in an overdose situation
NSP provision within Hostels 7.Are you Hep C or HIV positive? Yes I am positive When were last tested?: Date(s): Have you been vaccinated for Hep B Are you currently receiving treatment?
NSP provision within Hostels 8. Where are you injecting at present? Have you started using any new sites in the last 4 weeks? Have you found any new infections, pains or swelling?
NSP provision within Hostels
Date ReturnsBarrelsNeedlesParaphernalia loose S. bin L. Bin 1ml1ml (d) 2ml5ml10 ml GSBLBSOLOBR swab binCV waterspoon foil filters
NSP provision within Hostels We also provide: Education Workshops: Rolling program of 10 sessions that look at the different types of drugs and all related issues associated with drug use Targeted Workshops: aimed at specific target group ie; crack users Nutrition and Diet Workshops One to one keywork
NSP provision within Hostels Hostels Provide Regular screening for BBVs Links with local GPs and Walk-In Clinics Training and Educational programs Social Activities
NSP provision within Hostels Other activities include: Smoothie sessions British Military Fitness Gym Women only sessions (LA Vic only)
NSP provision within Hostels Staff support Free training to all Westminster Hostel Staff Regular Workshops for all frontline staff who work directly with street homeless clients Regular Workshops for all GP practice frontline staff