Chapter Five Morality: Sin & Morality 1. What effect do my actions have on my relationship with God? 2. How do my actions harm or enhance the people around me & the quality of my relationship with them?
Sin An offense against God Failure to respond to God’s love as Christ has made known to us Injures the entire human community Is a statement about the way we treat our relationship with God; it does not describe his relationship with us
Sin in Scripture Two Images Missing the Mark: when we settle for behavior that does not reflect love of God, self, others (p. 85 Case Studies) Hardness of Heart: no compassion or understanding “I'm not picking it up; I didn’t put it there” Apathetic: not caring or doing what needs to be done Original Sin (Genesis): Human Condition we are all born into God intends the world to be a place of harmony, solidarity & love Salvation Through Jesus Christ & Forgiveness – reconciling people back to God Paschal Mystery-life, death & resurrection: Christ conquers sin Gospel Based Perspective on Sin: p. 93
Sin in Christian Tradition Two Dangers (Dr. Karl Menninger) We run the risk of losing authority over our lives; we eliminate accountability (blaming others) If nothing is wrong, then it doesn’t matter what we do Without a sense of sin any choices that we make are valueless Only when we recognize a problem can we overcome the problems
Venial & Mortal Sin (p. 93 Bishop’s Statement) Venial Sin: weakens our relationship with God Results from bad habits or laziness Repeated venial sins weaken our ability to avoid sinning in the future Mortal Sin (“deadly”): break our relationship with God Sin of commission: doing something wrong Sin of omission: not doing something that we should do Occasion of Sin: putting yourself in a position where you know you may sin Culpability: responsibility for our actions Three criteria for a mortal sin A. Involves a “grave” matter B. Done with full knowledge C. Does so deliberately
Guilt vs. Shame Guilt says “I made a mistake” Encourages us to make amends; to right the wrong Shame says “I am a mistake” Has no place in the Christian vision Jesus affirms that we are not a mistake: we were called into being by a God who loves us unconditionally & in whose image we are made
Social Sin Three Categories Sinful Social Structures Justice System, “red lining”, “glass” ceiling Social Behavior patterns that encourage or support sin Drinking & driving: who is liable: bartender, parents hosting the party Societal values that cause harm Excessive individualism, technology The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing Edmund Burke