Numbers Dividing Decimals
Numbers We thought multiplying decimals was bad? JUST WAIT TILL YOU DIVIDE!!! However, that wretched decimal place causes us problems… again ÷= We would be happy if it were just 6 ÷ 2
Numbers Once again though, there is a VERY easy technique to get around this problem… Just take out the decimal point? Sorry, not this time. But we are going to move them.
Numbers 110÷= 100÷= Think about where the decimal point is in 100 and 10. Where is the decimal point in 10 and 1? ÷=10
Numbers Now we use this fact when we divide 6.3 by ÷ 0.7 is the same a 63 ÷ 7 I moved the dp in 6.3 one place right to turn it into a whole number, so I had to move the dp in 0.7 one place to the right as well.
Numbers ÷= 8 48 ÷ ÷ 1.4 = =56 ÷ 14 =4