Unit 4: Division Key Vocabulary Everyday Mathematics
4.1 Division Facts and Extensions Objective: To review division facts and to extend division facts; and to mentally divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
4.2 The Partial-Quotients Division Algorithm Objective: To review and practice the partial- quotients division algorithm for dividing a whole number by a whole number
Dividend In a division problem, this is the number being divided / 7 Dividend
Divisor In a division problem, this is the number that the dividend is being divided by / 7 Divisor
Quotient In a division problem, the quotient is the solution or answer = / 7 = 18 Quotient
Remainder In a division problem, any leftover amount that is not divided equally is the remainder R 1 Remainder
4.3 American Tour: Finding Distances on a Map Objective: to estimate distances using a map scale
Map Legend / Map Key A map legend or map key explains the symbols, colors, or markings on the map. One of the first places to look when examining a map.
Direction Symbol Locates north, south, east, and west on a map. If there is no direction symbol, the top of the map is usually understood to be north.
Map Scale The map scale compares distances on a map with real distances. The scale can be a ruler-like diagram or words and symbols. – 1 inch represents 100 miles – 1 in. = 100 mi.
Map Legend Map Scale
4.4 Division of Decimal Numbers Objective: to make a magnitude estimate for quotients; to use the partial-quotients division algorithm to divide decimals by whole numbers
Magnitude Estimate A rough estimate of the size of the number Use friendly numbers to make a quick guess Is the answer in the ones? tens? hundreds? thousands?
4.5 Interpreting the Remainder Objective: to solve division number stories and interpret remainders within the context of stories.
Variable A letter used to represent a number 12 x = 4 x = 3 Variable
4.6 Skills Review with First to 100 Objective: to investigate using a variable to represent a range of values; and to review a variety of mathematical skills