PROVIDES ADDICTION TREATMENT AND SUPPORT FOR PEOPLE FROM A VULNERABLE AND CHAOTIC BACKGROUND. WALSINGHAM HOUSE 1 st stage rehab ST JAMES HOUSE 3 rd stage supported accommodation St. James Priory, Whitson Street, Bristol. BS1 3NZ Reg Charity No: Reg Company No:
Promotes abstinence. Based on 12 Step Programme. Physical, Emotional & Spiritual. 8 week duration. Integrated Dual Diagnosis programme. Develops self, confidence and esteem.
General Health – doctor,dentist,optician Relationship with self & others. Housing. Benefits. Social & Life Skills. Budgeting & Money.
Referrals made by Social Services, Probation or Health Agencies. Integrated Care Pathway identified. Preparation, Planning and Reviewing. Follow on Support and Treatment. 3 rd Stage Supported Housing.
One to one counselling. Group therapy. Workshops (BBV, nutrition, relaxation, aerobics) Educational videos & audio tapes. Relapse Prevention. Social & Life Skills. AA, NA, CA fellowship meetings.
Safe environment. Clear rules and boundaries. Structured Timetable. Focus on therapeutic community. Commitment to self and group. Commitment to abstinence. Commitment to longterm recovery.
Local resource to meet local needs. City centre location. Partnership with Bristol Drug Strategy Team. Partnership with other providers. Partnership with local city centre NHS GP practice. Partnership with Locality Mental Health teams. Drug & Alcohol & Supporting People tendering process.
Detox - community detox options with BSDAS. Drug Services providers forum. Supporting People providers forum. Lapse houses 3 rd Stage accommodation. Housing Support Register
Easy access for family members (children). Easy access for Care Managers, Social Workers, Probation officers and other Agencies. Adjacent to Bristol Magistrates Court and Adjacent to Bristol Royal Infirmary. Strong links with Housing. Good nutritional food.
4 different funding streams: SP grant from Bristol City Council; HB claims for accommodation rental; Residents contribution towards rental; Treatment costs funded by the referring local authority / DAT.
TENDERING This is becoming an established way of commissioning services. We have been involved in the tendering process for Tier 4 services with several local authorities. So far successful in 75% of applications.