Warhol & PowerPoint The Rationale
Basic Premise - Challenge notions that: ICT ‘Death by PowerPoint’ and that the package can’t be creative. PowerPoint is for Presentations. ICT Skills and Creativity are separate from each other. Art Is done in the Art rooms. Is only taught by art teachers. Must not and Can not be done on computers. IMPORTANT: These resources require: Tablet PC Desktop PC with Graphics Tablet Microsoft Office Suite with Inking functionality
Topic Objectives & Outcomes: Objectives To gain an introductory understanding into the life and art of Andy Warhol. To undertake some basic art criticism. To understand how the Review functionality in PowerPoint can be used creatively, and not just for presentations. To use PowerPoint to create ‘Warholesque’ imagery. Outcomes Research into the life and art of Andy Warhol. Students to create Warhol- inspired replica images. Students’ own celebrity Pop-Art digital creations. Structured Writing and/or Persuasive Argument re the qualities of Pop-Art in relation to the ‘Masters’.
Concept of Outlines (Art) & Tracing (ICT): Creativity & Pop-Art (PLTS & Art) & Annotating (ICT):