Graham Parsons. Pharmacist with Special Interest (PhwSI) NHS Plymouth
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Outline Personal Profile Overview of NICE guidelines (Pharmacy Perspective) Examples of Practice Exercise
Personal Profile Pharmacist for 18 years Community Pharmacist since 1991 Started working in Substance Misuse Service in 2003 Employed by Trust since 2005 Pharmacist Prescriber since April 2007 Co-opted onto PHIAC in 2008 (development of NICE guidelines) Appointed PhwSI in April 2009
NICE Recommendation One Planning, needs assessment and community engagement Multi-agency data collection (PHO, HPA, local information, LPC, NSP Co-ordinator) Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – local PCO Does current pharmacy service meet local need? Service user involvement through pharmacies?
NICE Recommendation Two Meeting Need Respond to needs assessment process! Involve LPC and key local pharmacists Local Specialist pharmacist in PCO? Figurehead Pharmacist?
NICE Recommendation Three Types of Service Level One: Lidl (5) Level Two: Tescos (6) Level Three: Marks and Spencers (2) Open all hours – The Arkwright effect! Extended Weekend 100-hours 24-hour pharmacies
NICE Recommendation Four Equipment and Advice No limit on distribution Range of paraphenalia – should meet their needs Sharps bins ADVICE AND INFORMATION – trained and informed workforce?
Signposting – do your pharmacists know the local service provision?
NICE Recommendation Five and Six (5) Community Pharmacy Based NSPs Sharps bins and safe disposal service TRAINING – local or national? Health Promotion training/Advice for L2&3 services Health & Safety training Hepatitis B vaccination – what's the story! Signposting (6) Specialist NSPs: level three services What extended services can be provided at CPs?
Examples of Practice (1) Wicker model Regular meetings to provide training for ALL pharmacy staff Joint meetings with Sheffield GPs treating Drug Addiction Monthly newsletter At the Sharp End Harm minimisation messages via screen in waiting area. Swabs, filters, sterile water, citric acid, ampoule breakers, skin cleanser, steripots, condoms. Never Share Syringes Nurse-led wound treatment & vaccination clinic 2 evenings per week. Wicker Supplementary Prescribing service pilot – May 09
Examples of Practice (2) BBV Testing (Hepatitis C trust pilot) PGD (antibiotics, naloxone,vaccination)