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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Five Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Qualitative Research

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 2 1.To define qualitative research 2.To explore the popularity of qualitative research 3.To understand why qualitative research is not held in high esteem by some practitioners and academicians 4.To learn about focus groups and their tremendous popularity 5.To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group 6.To understand the controversy regarding online focus groups 7.To understand the growing popularity of Internet focus groups 8.To learn about other forms of qualitative research Learning Objectives

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 3 Qualitative Research Defined Findings not subject to quantification. To examine attitudes, feelings, and motivations Quantitative Research Defined To find statistically significant differences The Qualitative versus Quantitative Controversy See Table 5.1 (next slide) Popularity of Qualitative Research Less expensive, ability to better understand motivations, improved efficiency To define qualitative research. The Nature of Qualitative Research

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 4 Comparative Dimension Qualitative ResearchQuantitative Research Types of questionsProbingLimited probing Sample sizeSmallLarge Information per respondentSubstantialVaries Administration requirementsSpecial skillsFewer special skills needed Type of AnalysisSubjectiveStatistical HardwareTape recorders, video, pictures Questionnaires, computers, printouts Ability to replicateLowHigh Training the researcherPsychology,sociology marketing, consumer behavior Statistics, decision models, marketing research Type of researchExploratoryDescriptive or casual Exhibit 5.1 Qualitative versus Quantitative Research

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 5 Popularity of Qualitative Research –Much cheaper than quantitative research –Better at understanding the in-depth motivations and feeling of consumers –Improves the efficiency of quantitative research –Becoming common to combine qualitative and quantitative research The Nature of Qualitative Research To explore the popularity of qualitative research

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 6 To understand why qualitative research is not held in high esteem. The Nature of Qualitative Research Limitations on Qualitative Research –Does not distinguish small differences in a marketing mix. –Not necessarily representative of the population of interest –No certification body in marketing research

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 7 To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group The Growing Role of Focus Groups Focus Groups Defined –Consists of 8 to 12 participants –Led by moderator –In-depth discussion on one topic Goal: To learn and understand what people have to say

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 8 Popularity of Focus Groups –Focus groups but on aspect of qualitative research but it is overwhelming the most popular How Popular? –Marketing Research firms, advertising agencies and consumer good manufacturers use them –Most research expenditures for qualitative research are for focus groups –Focus groups allow the researcher to experience the emotional framework in which the product is being used –Used by consumer goods companies more than by industrial goods organizations The Growing Role of Focus Groups To learn about focus groups and their tremendous popularity

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 9 Exhibit 5.2 Steps in Conducting a Focus Group Prepare for the group. Select a focus group facility and recruit the participants. Select a moderator. Create a discussion guide. Conduct the group. Prepare the focus group report..

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 10 To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group. The Growing Role of Focus Groups Preparing for a Focus Group –The Setting: focus group facility often in a conference style room The Participants –mall intercept –telephone –combining psychographics and demographics to recruit group participants –Go to where the target market is to find qualified respondents –Strive to avoid repeat or “professional” respondents Why do people agree to participate in focus groups? –Money –Topic is interesting –It was a convenient time –Focus groups are fun –Respondent knows a lot about the product –Curiosity –Focus groups offer an opportunity to express opinions

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 11 To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group. The Growing Role of Focus Groups Selecting the Moderator 1.Genuine interest in people 2.Acceptance and appreciation for the differences in people 3.Good listening skills 4.Good observation skills 5.Interest in a wide range of topics 6.Good oral and written skills 7.Objectivity 8.Knowledge of marketing and research 9.Flexibility 10.Good attention to detail

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 12 To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group. The Growing Role of Focus Groups Rapport: –Techniques for building rapport 1.Ask personal questions during warm-up 2.Include personal information about yourself (moderator) 3.Ask respondents for assistance 4.Lighten things up with humor Client–focused skills 1.Know client’s business 2.Provide the strategic leadership 3.Provide feedback to client 4.Be reliable, responsive, trustworthy, independent 5.Personal style to match client

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 13 To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group. The Growing Role of Focus Groups Discussion Guide –An outline of the topics to be covered –Three stages: Rapport is established Provoke intense discussion Summarize significant conclusions

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 14 To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group. The Growing Role of Focus Groups Focus Group Report –Instant analysis Moderator debriefing –Advantages and disadvantages of instant analysis –Formal report—usually a PowerPoint presentation (copies are distributed)

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 15 To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group. The Growing Role of Focus Groups Benefits and Drawbacks of Focus Groups –Advantages Interaction among respondents Offers opportunity to observe customers Can be executed more quickly than other types of research

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 16 To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group. The Growing Role of Focus Groups Benefits and Drawbacks of Focus Groups –Disadvantages of focus groups Immediacy and apparent understandability of focus groups may mislead (tiny sample) May not be typical customer Setting may make participants uncomfortable Style of moderator may bias discussion Dominate participant or introverted participant may bias group

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 17 Online Focus Groups To understand the controversy regarding Internet focus groups. –Advantages of Online Focus Groups No geographic barriers Lower costs Fast turn-around time Respondents may be more open Efficient moderator-client interaction The natural talker neutralized Access to the hard-to-reach target population Ability of client to interact with moderator Likelihood of distraction is lower

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 18 Online Focus Groups To understand the controversy regarding Internet focus groups. –Disadvantages of Online Focus Groups Group dynamics Non-verbal inputs Client involvement Security Attention to the topic Exposure to external stimuli Role and skill of the moderator

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 19 Online Focus Groups To understand the growing popularity of Internet focus groups. Creating a Virtual Focus Group Facility –Basic method—”freestyle” or “on the fly” Advantages Disadvantages –Stimuli-mockup of print ad or short product demo on video Advantages Disadvantages –Virtual waiting room –Maintaining control

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 20 Online Focus Groups To understand the growing popularity of Internet focus groups. Types of Online Focus Groups –Real-time online focus groups –Time-extended online focus groups Do Online Focus Groups Produce Different Results from Traditional Focus Groups?

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 21 Online Focus Groups To understand the growing popularity of Internet focus groups. Trends in Focus Groups –Combination online and telephone focus groups –Videoconferencing –Viewing focus groups online

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 22 Other Qualitative Methodologies To learn about other forms of qualitative research. Depth Interviews –Unstructured one-on-one interview Advantages Disadvantages –Determinates of depth interviews Skills of interviewer Proper interpretation Lack of popularity of depth interviewing

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 23 Other Qualitative Methodologies To learn about other forms of qualitative research. –Classic applications of depth interviews Communication checks Sensory evaluation Exploratory research New product development Packaging or usage research –Customer Care Research Depth interviewing to understand the dynamics of the purchase process

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 24 Other Qualitative Methodologies To learn about other forms of qualitative research. Projective Techniques –To delve below surface response to obtain true feelings, meanings, and motivation Types of Projective Test –Word association tests –Sentence and story completion –Cartoon tests –Photo tests –Consumer drawings –Storytelling –Third-person techniques

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 25 The Future of Qualitative Research 1. Criteria and evaluations have emotional and subconscious content 2. The emotional and subconscious content is an important determinant of buying and usage decisions. 3. Such content is not adequately or accurately verbalized by the respondent through direct communication. 4. Such content is adequately verbalized through indirect techniques. To learn about other forms of qualitative research. Rationale behind qualitative research tests:

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 26 The Nature of Qualitative Research The Growing Role of Focus Groups Other Qualitative Methodologies The Future of Qualitative Research SUMMARY

Learning Objective John Wiley and Son, Inc 27 The End Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.