A Set of Tools for Map Use in a Digital Environment Barbara Hofer Institute for Geoinformation
January 2004Barbara Hofer2 Research Question Motivation: GEORAMA project „A set of tools for map use exists, which covers the main operations people want to perform with maps and provides an implicit user support.“ How to determine and specify the set of tools?
January 2004Barbara Hofer3 Outline Methodology Determination of Tools Modeling of Operations Demonstrator Creation Next Steps Research Impact
January 2004Barbara Hofer4 Methodology 1.Determination of the set of tools: Analysis of operations performed with analogue maps -Basic set of operations defined 2.Demonstrator creation: Formal specification -Specified tools Implementation
January 2004Barbara Hofer5 Determination of Tools Map operations performed with analogue maps (Campbell, 1993) : Measurements from maps -Distance measurement, area determination Navigation and Route selection Terrain interpretation -Height interpolation, profiling, slope determination
January 2004Barbara Hofer6 Modeling of Operations Map scale Short distance mark starting and ending point Error sources: 1)measurement error 2) smoothing 3) slope Map accuracy result calculation of distance Distance Measurement:
January 2004Barbara Hofer7 Determination of Tools (2) Navigation Process : Landmark recognition Map orientation Position determination Route selection Translation Direction Distance, Profile
January 2004Barbara Hofer8 Demonstrator Creation modeling specification demonstrator Modeling: Based on map operations Specification: formal specification technique Demonstrator: Implementation of specification Qualitative, quantitative methods
January 2004Barbara Hofer9 Formal Specification “Formal specification is the expression, in some formal language and at some level of abstraction, of a collection of properties some system should satisfy“ (van Lamsweerde, 2000). Here: System: model of map use tools Abstraction level: specification of tools Properties: functional requirements Formal language: algebraic specification
January 2004Barbara Hofer10 Formal Specification (2) Algebraic Specification: Tool for software engineering Independent from implementation Components: -Types -Operations -Axioms Haskell
January 2004Barbara Hofer11 Next Steps Refinement of the map use operations Low level, high level tasks Specification with Haskell Implementation Selection of programming language
January 2004Barbara Hofer12 Research Impact Specification: Independent of technology Basis for implementation(s) Software engineering applied: Motivation Guidelines for future extensions
January 2004Barbara Hofer13 References Campbell, J. (1993). Map Use and Analysis. Dubuque, Iowa, Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Catarci, T., F. d'Amore, et al. (2001). Interacting with GIS: From Paper Cartography to Virtual Environments, Unesco Press (in Press). Frank, A. U. (1999). One step up the abstraction ladder: Combining algebras - from functional pieces to a whole. Spatial Information Theory - Cognitive and Computational Foundations of Geographic Information Science (Int. Conference COSIT'99, Stade, Germany). C. Freksa and D. M. Mark. Berlin, Springer-Verlag. 1661: Software Engineering Center (2000). URL: van Lamsweerde, A. (2000). Formal Specification: a Roadmap. The Future of Software Engineering. A. Finkelstein, ACM Press.