NoodleBib is available at the Jericho Middle School Library Website
a subscription interactive online tool –Jericho MS Library pays for this service –a username and password is required helps you create source lists –Works Cited, Works Consulted, Bibliography MLA or APA format organizes the sources in alphabetical order sets proper margins and line spacing What in the World is Noodlebib?
Click here
Enter your user name, which is: Your Last Name and student ID example : Minikel1235 Enter your password. You already have a NoodleBib Account You need to SIGN IN and update your information: Click Sign in
Ask librarian for your library user name and password: Username : password :
Update your student Profile
Click on Create a New Project to begin After you update your information...
FYI -The Next time you log in just use your user name and password. Click sign in. Open your project by clicking on it
Start a new list for each new project Select MLA & Junior Click on Create Project Name your list
Begin your list by clicking on clicking on the books!
Use the menu to select a citation type. Citation types are listed by category. Select Book Click on Create Citation Select a citation type... Click continue
Under the Role menu, select if your source has an Author, Complier, Editor, Illustrator or Translator. Enter the name.
Click on add another contributor if there are more names to add:
Add the rest of the information about the book that you know, Leave blank what you don’t know.
The Annotation box is where you would write a summary of the book, only if required by your assignment Click the submit button when you finished
View your citation. The Edit button lets you go back and make changes. If the citation looks good, you can begin your next citation by selecting another citation type …or close Out. Your work will be saved.
To cite a reference article from our Biography in Context database select database from the select a citation type menu:
Identify your source of information: Look at the bottom of your article to get all the information you need to cite it, including the database information and the “original source.” Article titleTitle of reference sourcePublication citydate Name of databaseDate of access
Tell NoodleBib What type of Source you are Citing
Type in the name of the database: NoodleBib is smart and the database name might even appear before you finish typing it!
Add the name of the Database Vender/Publisher: Date article was available in database The URL is NOT Required!
Add the original reference source information. Leave blank what you don’t know
You are not required in this year to make an annotation, leave this box blank. Click Submit when finished
View your Citation Click on edit to fix any mistakes
Citing a Website Select Web Site from the Select a Citation Type menu & Click the Create Citation button
Look at the beginning and end of the Web page for the information you need to cite it. Article Title URL- Not needed! Date Title Bar Title of Web site Organization
Add the info you know in the boxes. Leave blank what you don’t know… You do not need a URL! Title of website Publisher if different from website title Date you found it Date on website
Click submit when you finish If there is an author, editor or translator of the site Select the appropriate Contributor from the menu and type in the name, if there is no author leave this blank. Click here if you have more that one Contributor to add The article title goes here The annotation box is there to use only if your teacher wants you to include a summary of your sources.
View your Citations Click on edit to fix any mistakes
How to Cite World Book Online Select Database from the drop down menu Click Create citation
Click on Original Content/Other
Look at the bottom of your World Book article for the information you need to cite it Put this information where it belongs in the template
Add the database information You do not need the URL
Add the author and name of the article You do not need an annotation Click Submit
View your Citations Click on edit to fix any mistakes
To print your Source List, go to the drop down menu on the print button and select: Formatting Options Printing Your Source List Do not copy and paste your citations from NoodleBib into Word. You will loose all the formatting!
Check Your Printing Options Click to change the title to Works Consulted Add your last name in the page header
1. Click Export as RTF 2. Click here 3. Open in Word
This is what your completed Works Consulted will look like: Hooray You’re Done!