Electronic Reserve System (e-Reserve) Opportunities and benefits
What is e-Reserve? Electronic Course Reserve service (e-Reserve) is an important and integrated part of the University's electronic course system (e-Course system). E-Reserve is a service which combines information about definite course and recommended materials to this course (lecturer, course title, department, etc.) from the library collection. E- Reserve is on-line service which provides an access to the AUCA students to educational materials. This way, students will be able to access simultaneously to learning resources in any time and in any place on-line during semester.
Opportunities e-Reserve provides: information support of the courses taught in the University, in digital environment, digital access to the learning printed materials, opportunity to place all your educational materials from the AUCA files and folders system to the modern electronic environment which is open for 24/7 students’ access.
Benefits E- Reserve is very useful for teachers who do not have ecourses so that they can allocate their materials for their students access on-line You have not to digitize materials yourself, librarian will do that for you. Librarian will place digitized printed materials (book chapter, journal article) in e-Reserve system. Librarians will place electronic resources you provided (doc, pdf,.ppt,.jpg,.xls formats). Librarians will place links to databases available through the library (Ebrary, EBSCO, JSTOR, etc.)..
What types of materials are submitted for e-Reserve? Printed materials (book’s chapter; journal article; materials, developed by teachers); Electronic resources (.doc,.pdf,.ppt,.jpg,.xls); Web resources links (from Ebrary, EBSCO, JSTOR,etc.).
How to apply materials for e-Reserve? E-Reserve service is linked to the e-Course system for the added convenience of faculty and students who are already using online courses; The service is accessible both through the University's IRT web-site ( ) and AUCA Libraryhttp://irt.auca.kg/en/lis/ web-site (
In order to use this service it is necessary to complete online application or printed request form; Teacher must apply materials for e-reserve beforehand, at least 4 weeks prior to the start of each semester or at the end of the present semester for early processing; e-Reserve request will be processed in the order received. How to apply materials for e-Reserve?
Copyright requirements Faculty must follow copyright requirements when submitting e-Reserve materials; e-Reserve materials which require copyright permission will not be posted until permission is secured; Original materials created by the instructor where the instructor owns the copyright, for example books, test files, lecture notes, solution files, and syllabi are appropriate for Electronic Reserve
Copyright requirements Materials that can be placed on e-reserve without obtaining copyright permission include: - printed articles from journals owned AUCA library (or links from electronic journals or databases licensed by the Library); - one chapter or less than 20% of the content from a book; - material for which the professor or teacher owns copyright, - government publications; - materials which are in the public domain.
Types of materials inappropriate for Electronic Reserve Multiple chapters from the same book; More than two articles from the same issue of a journal; Materials not in compliance with the copyright law or not allowed by license agreement; Commercially produced workbooks or instruction manuals with answer keys, or similar products that are excluded from the principles of fair Use as designated by copyright law; Links to web sites that post materials that are not in compliance with copyright law; Materials lacking bibliographic citations or copies of the title page.
How to use e-Reserve materuals? go to the e-Course system web site course.auca.kg/ course.auca.kg/ authorize (put your login and password) find required department and course find materials in the e-Reserve section within the course
Web-site of the Library
Application form
Terms and conditions of materials placing on e-Reserve - E-reserve request will be processed in the order received. - Depending on the number of e-reserve requests it will take minimum 10 days to place materials on e- reserve. - Teacher will be notified after placing of his/her materials in e-reserve. - The library takes materials off electronic course reserve after the class has ended. - If teacher wants books to remain on reserve for the following semester it is necessary to notify librarians who are responsible for reserves at the end of each semester.
How to access to e-Reserved materials? Login: pak_i Password: 11111
How to access to e-Reserved materials? eReserve (Course Information Support)
Contact information: Irina Pak – Reference librarian Jumadilova Baktygul – Acquisition librarian Tел.: (275)