PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DEFINITIONS An indication as to how progress towards a target is to be measured. Performance indicators provide a standard and manageable way of measuring performance. A representation, numeric or otherwise, of the state of, or outcomes from an organisation, or any of its parts or processes. Performance indicators measure the distance between the current situation and the desired situation. An indicator that provides information (either qualitative or quantitative) on the extent to which a policy, program or initiative is achieving its outcomes. An indicator of the success of a government or corporate program. A measure that shows the degree to which a strategy has been achieved. A criterion or measure for monitoring or evaluating the efficiency or effectiveness of a system or service, which may be used to demonstrate accountability and to identify areas for improvement.
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS BROKEN DOWN Following: performance, state, current and desired situation, progress, outcomes, degree of achievement, success Focus: organisation, its part or process, policy, strategy, program or initiative, government or corporate program, system or service Function: indication, representation, information, measure, criterion, demonstration, identification, standard Features: monitoring - evaluating numeric - otherwise quantitative - qualitative efficiency - effectiveness accountability - improvement manageable
TYPICAL USE AND CONTEXTS OF INDICATORS Quality enhancement/assurance Programme development Evaluations and reviews Accreditation Accreditation of Prior Learning Strategic processes Structural development Struggle for funds Statistical necessities
AIMS & OUTCOMES OF EQUIPEPLUS 1.A discussion paper of the problems and benefits of using the indicators in the activities of lifelong learning in universities 2.A collection of examples of using or developing indicators in LLL at European universities 3.A (draft) bank of indicators for academic lifelong learning at the institutional level 4.A list of do’s and don’ts in the use of indicators
E+ INDICATOR WORK PLAN 1.The work plan approved by the management group in May A planning meeting of the chairs/facilitators in September (DC & KS) 3.An academic LLL indicator workshop in the 2. partner conference in November in Paris (DC & KS with all the partners) 4.Finding more examples, drafting the paper, developing the list of do’s and don’ts as well as construction of the bank (volunteers & DC & KS) 5.Management group session about indicators in the MG meeting (discussion about the content, commenting step 4) in Ljubljana in March (MG facilitated by DC & KS) 6. Continuing tasks in step 4 (volunteers & DC & KS) 7. The second academic LLL indicator workshop in the 3. partner conference in Hamburg (DC & KS, volunteers, all the partners) 8. Continuing tasks in steps 4 and 6 (volunteers & DC & KS) 9. A two-day-meeting to collect it all together in January- February (invited volunteers, chaired by DC & KS) 10. Embedding the products into the outcomes of EQUIPEPlus in the final MG meeting (MG)
THE SESSION TODAY Does your university have or do you know about experience of other universities using or planning LLL indicators? Be open in your thinking – indicators can come out in various forms and situations. What kinds of situations have you faced or might face, where clear and logical indicators could be useful? What kind of profits and threats do you see in the use of indicators?