12 Overview on the 2008/9 expenditure In terms of the PFMA we have met the deadline of 31 May 2009 for the submission of draft financial statements to the Auditor General for auditing. The audit has been completed and the annual report will be tabled in September 2009 as required by the PFMA. The Department does not anticipate any changes to these numbers. 2
13 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE FOR 2008/09 PER PROGRAMME Rand thousand FINAL APPRO- PRIATION EXPENDI- TURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2009 UNDER/ (OVER- SPENDING) % OF BUDGET SPENT 1. Administration ,0 2. Services to Citizen ,9 3. Immigration Services ,4 4. Transfers to Agencies –100,0 TOTAL ,9 3
14 APPROVED CASHFLOW VS EXPENDITURE FOR THE LAST QUARTER 2008/09 PER PROGRAMME Rand thousand APPROVED CASHFLOW FOR LAST QUARTER EXPENDI- TURE FOR LAST QUARTER UNDER/ (OVER- SPENDING) % OF BUDGET SPENT 1. Administration ( )175,6 2. Services to Citizen (4 979)101,4 3. Immigration Services ,1 4. Transfers to Agencies ,0 TOTAL ( )114,8 4
15 Detail of Over/Underspending Rand thousand UNDER/ (OVER- SPENDING) REASONS FOR (OVER)/UNDERSPENDING 1. Administration20 2. Services to Citizens Saving as a result of The Smart ID Card that was planned to be piloted in December 2008 and the Department had detailed and robust plans to realize this eventuality. However, at year-end SITA had not made a recommendation on the awarding of this tender. Funds were requested to be rolled over. Because no contract was entered into with regard to the Smart Card ID Project, National Treasury allowed that an amount of R110,406 million be rolled over for the Who Am I Online project. 3. Immigration Services35 810Saving are attributed to the Advance Passenger Processing (APP) System. Contract negotiations commenced in November 2008 and was concluded on 14 February By end of the financial year, the custom design study was almost complete with sign off taking place in April National Treasury approved R to be rolled over. TOTAL
16 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE FOR 2008/09 PROVINCES Rand thousand FINAL APPRO- PRIATION EXPENDI- TURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2009 UNDER/ (OVER- SPENDING) % OF BUDGET SPENT Kwazulu-Natal ,2 Mpumalanga ,5 Free State (7 271)109,2 Northern Cape ,3 North West (4 963)104,5 Eastern Cape (10 354)108,5 Western Cape (9 099)110,0 Gauteng (20 622)108,8 Limpopo (2 427)102,0 TOTAL (46 168)104,5 6
17 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE FOR 2008/09 TRANSFERS TO AGENCIES Description FINAL APPRO- PRIATION EXPENDI- TURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2009 UNDER/ (OVER- SPENDING) % OF BUDGET SPENT Departmental agencies –100,0 – Film and Publication Board –100,0 – Government Printing Works –100,0 – Electoral Commission –100,0 TOTAL – 100,0 7
18 Siyabonga Dankie Thank You Realeboga 8