2010 Softball
Softball Items for Review Softball State Series 2010 FHSAA Softball Finals Status of Softball Evaluation Program Officials Recommendation Forms Softball Field Clinics in 2011 Softball Exam Schedule Questions, Comments or Suggestions
Softball State Series Congratulations! This year’s State Series were fantastic! Overall, Officials that were assigned did a great job! Nearly every official and assigned crew ranked a 4.0 or higher within their evaluation Reminder – Officials/Associations who are not following NFHS Softball Rules are doing a disservice to the players, the game and other officials. Please be sure to call everything as noted in the NFHS Softball Rules Book!
2010 Softball Finals A Special Thanks to Florida Professional Officials Association for their assistance during the 2010 Softball Finals in Clermont.
Status of Softball Evaluation Program Evaluations continue to improve Nearly all State Final Officials were evaluated at a 4.0 or higher during the State Finals Overall, the positive feedback has been helpful to both the FHSAA and officials Past evaluations are being used for State Final Assignments All State Final Officials were debriefed following their game by a State Final Evaluator for immediate feedback Officials are encouraged to be evaluated at State Field Clinics to support the submitted recommendations.
Officials Recommendation Forms Be sure to list alternate officials/crews if available If you have officials that you would like to recommend, but have not met all criteria, please recommend them and then explain in the comment section why the official/crew has not met all criteria Utilize the comment section that has been provided It is important to list crews by ability – not by experience or because they have not been to that level before (i.e. their turn)! Some Associations are not utilizing the new format as it was designed. Remember – officials need to be recommended by ability, especially in the later rounds. I.e., State Semifinal/State Final Crew #1 should be the BEST 3 officials in your Association based on ABILITY. Not all Associations receive assignments. Some Associations have received assignments EVERY year and in order to give every capable Association a chance, there are a few Associations that may not get an Assignment in a given year. We have over 30 Softball Associations and only 18 games. Not EVERYONE will be assigned. Individuals that publicly degrade the assignments or the assignor do a disservice to their Association and the sport. It is the assignors goal to put the best officials on the field as our student-athletes only deserve the best!
2011 Softball Field Clinics Pinellas Sports Officials Association Pinellas County Date: Jan , 2011 Site: E.C. Moore East softball complex (Clearwater) When: Friday, 5:30 – 9:45 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Application Deadline: Jan. 7, 2011 Contact Person: Al Standiford, (727) Clinicians: Rich Ryals, Steve Hanney, Al Standiford, Ed Whipple or Mike Connelly Special Highlights: Friday night pizza and soft drinks Saturday live games for evaluations Useful gift for all clinic participants Pre-registration available starting in June. Jacksonville Umpires Association Duval County Date: Jan. 22, 2011 Site: Bishop Kenny High School When: Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Application Deadline: Jan. 8, 2011 Contact Person: Cathy Jester, Clinicians: Randy Scott, Randy Hosmer, Dana Keister, Chuck Frey Special Highlights: Classroom work Cage work Scrimmages/on-field work Pre-registration available starting in June.
2011 Softball Exam Schedule Overall – each exam window has moved forward by 3-weeks, except for the written exam and seemed to work well! Online Open Book Exam –January 28 th – February 2 nd Online Closed Book Exam –February 10 th – February 21 st Online Make-Up Exam –February 25 th – March 1 st Written Closed Book Exam –February 28 th at 6:30 p.m. –Officials choosing to take this exam will not be afforded the opportunity for make-up. Online Rules Presentation –January 31 st – February 12 th –This leaves a 2-day window for officials who want to view the Rules Presentation prior to taking the online open book exam This schedule provides the opportunity for all officials to be tested and to post a score prior to pre-season classics.
Questions, Comments or Suggestions?
Congratulations and Good Luck Congratulations on a Great Year and Good Luck During the upcoming season. Enjoy your summer!
Photos Provided By: Bryn-Alan Photography Official Photographer of the FHSAA