Back to School Night
Math and Language Arts Pilot Math Program A word about Math…. New Language Arts Program Wonders Many on-line tools for use at school and home (Watch for information by handout and .)
Classroom Procedures Classroom Management: Class and Group points Hubbard Bucks Color coded behavior chart If there is a problem: 1. I work it out with the student. 2. If a problem continues I will contact parents and we will work it out together as a team. 3. Safe school violations and bullying issues may receive discipline tickets.
Planners School Handbook Parent/teacher communication Homework assignments Test Dates Upcoming Events (Field trips, programs etc…)
Homework Homework will be sent home in a Homework Folder on Monday, and will need to be returned by Friday. 20 minutes of reading five nights a week (30 is even better!) Practice Spelling and Vocabulary words. Tests on Fridays. Fluency Practice (Timed for 1 minute daily) Due Friday. Test On Fridays. (Both Count towards the fluency grade.) Math Practice Homework (see planner daily-some will be on-line) If no homework is assigned for that day, students are assigned to do Xtra Math online. 10 minutes of keyboarding practice *Mrs. Smith’s Website
Road to Success Students will need to log in with their password from last year and it will automatically transfer them to our class. This is in place of recording reading minutes in the planner so it is important that it is input into the computer at least once a week.
Book Reports Students will be doing 2 book reports this year. Watch for handouts with instructions. 1. Character Can book report: Due the end of term Cereal Box Book Report due the end of Term 3.
Birthdays Students bring a store bought treat to share. We have 29 students. Summer Birthdays: Please choose a special day to send a store bought treat and we will celebrate that day. If you are unable to send a treat please let me know and I will be happy to provide one. Students will receive a Birthday Bag from me, and will be able to share their “All About Me” poster for the week. This poster will be completed during class time.
Afternoon Snack Parents can sign up to bring a healthy snack for the class once a month to have during our long afternoons. Watch for a sign-up note from our volunteer coordinator.
Contacting me link on my webpage Call the school Make an appointment Write in the planner (student must show it to me) Send a note with your student *If you don’t have access please let me know and I will send home hardcopies. *Also, if you do not have a computer please see me and we can apply for one!
Narnia Day, May 28 The entire third grade will participate this year! We need 1 coordinator from each class And MANY volunteers! We will let you know when the first Narnia meeting is. Sign up sheet
Scholastic Book Orders Watch for the flyer at the beginning of each month. There is a link on my web page to order on-line. When a parent orders on line we get $3.00 per parent to buy books for the classroom library! Students can still order buy turning the form and check or money order in to me.
The Giving Tree