Skills and Work with Drug Misuse 1 st November 2010
Regional workforce project priorities Establish drug work training course to support multi disciplinary workforce Encourage accreditation structures and support recruitment Build skills of staff to deliver alcohol and drugs treatment recovery
Regional Workforce Role Regional Project? Service provider staff clinical supervision and management Service provider training / workforce development activities Service user development pathways DAAT level Commissioning framework System wide developmental resources Service user involvement HE and FE provision Accreditation structures
Initial feedback about current priorities Recovery Leadership and Management Offending behaviour issues Service User development Key themes
Other issues Alcohol – Likely to be of growing significance within Public Health Service. Little substantive difference in priority skills needs for specialist treatment – some differences in the boundary between healthcare and offender management. Young People Dual diagnosis Etc....
Initial feedback about current priorities National Skills Consortium ITEP / BTEI Asset based treatment Case management / care coordination / NICE approved interventions Outcomes / payment by results Partnership working Recovery
Initial feedback about current priorities Action learning / ILM 1 st line manager course Clinical supervision Drug specific v shared social exclusion service agenda Outward facing leadership Leadership and Management
Initial feedback about current priorities Confronting offending behaviour and attitudes in drug treatment Confronting drug misuse and harm reduction in CJ settings Public risk v individual and confidential care Working with and in custodial environments Offending behaviour issues
Initial feedback about current priorities VolunteeringVocational skills Social enterprises Health advisors / recovery champions / user group leaders etc Service User development