County Name Next Steps Meeting DATE
Next Steps Meeting Purpose: The Next Steps Meeting is designed to be a starting point for the county’s efforts to begin the CQI process of developing an action plan for enhancing case practice and system performance.
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Effort Mission: “Pennsylvania’s Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) effort is the vehicle that will sustain positive change for our child/youth and family outcomes...”
Compliance Quality Defining quality practice is a key component in shifting PA’s quality improvement efforts beyond compliance based requirements. If quality practice is not defined, it is too easy to fall back into a compliance based way of evaluating practice. “True CQI goes beyond basic compliance and focuses on continuous learning about practice and outcomes” (Casey Family Programs, 2005).
Key Components of CQI Effort Quality Service Review (QSR) and Licensing Review ◦ On-site Review – Case Reviews, Focus Groups, Exit Conference ◦ Licensing Review ◦ Next Steps Meeting Establishment of a County’s “Sponsor Team” and “Improvement Team(s)” County Improvement Plan (CIP) Technical Assistance (TA) Collaborative
Quality Service Review (QSR) On-site Review: Case Reviews In-depth review of small sample of cases - interviews with family team members Immediate feedback to caseworkers & supervisors on case-specific findings Oral presentations of QSR case-specific findings (team debriefings) Written Case Review Summaries Focus Groups and Key Stakeholder Interviews Exit Conference Final Report
QSR in County Name Collaboration of State, Region, County and Community State Site Leads ◦ Names Local Site Leads ◦ Names QSR Reviewers ◦ # State reviewers ◦ # Local reviewers Focus Groups ◦ Coordinator/Note taker – Name ◦ Facilitator - Name
On-Site QSR - Case Sample #Cases Reviewed: #In-Home #Out of Home # Shared Case
On-Site QSR – Case Sample County specific information…
On-Site QSR - Strengths Areas of Strength
On-Site QSR - Concerns Areas of Concern
Sponsor Team and Improvement Team(s) Sponsor Team: ◦ Provides high-level oversight; ◦ Assures resources; and ◦ Sets expectations of the county’s continuous quality improvement efforts Improvement Team(s): ◦ Initiate and manage continuous improvement efforts and maintain hands-on responsibility for continuous improvement efforts
County Improvement Plan (CIP) The County Improvement Plan (CIP) outlines the priorities the County agency chooses to focus on to improve specific outcomes as a result of a comprehensive review of their practice. This review is not limited to the QSR findings, and may also include a review of additional data such as the County data packages provided by the State, quantitative measures produced by the county, as well as the results of other qualitative data.
Next County QSR Note when the county’s next QSR will be…
Statewide TA Collaborative The establishment of a cohesive group of Technical Assistance providers who work in collaboration with child welfare agencies to improve outcomes for children, youth, and families.
Questions/Discussion/Next Steps… Questions Discussion Next Steps: Sponsor Team will meet County Improvement Plan will be developed and submitted in 120 days from the last day of the onsite QSR Improvement teams will take action and monitor the work outlined in the County Improvement Plan
Thank you for coming today and for all you do for the children, youth and families served by County Name CYS/DHS!