National Treatment Agency, West Midlands Regional Office Stuart Haste, Chloe Baxter-Vickers, Lindsey Byrne 6 July 2010 Care co-ordination workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

National Treatment Agency, West Midlands Regional Office Stuart Haste, Chloe Baxter-Vickers, Lindsey Byrne 6 July 2010 Care co-ordination workshop

Who is Swanswell Care co-ordination workshop2 Swanswell is a national charity that believes everyone deserves the chance to change and be happy

Birmingham Swanswell Commissioned to provide primary care or shared care drug service with over 100 surgeries currently on the scheme Provides drug treatment for Prolific and Priority Offenders (PPOs) treatment workers are based in the four local policing units Provides drug treatment for offenders post sentence, under supervision with Probation or as part of a community order based in all eight Birmingham probation offices Care co-ordination workshop3

The service Three specialist care co-ordiators One Referrals and Allocations team 10 treatment teams Use of a 12 week structured model for offenders Access to five community based DIP clinics 17 locality GPs Care co-ordination workshop4

5 The service PPO specific in-reach worker Access to bridging prescriptions, BBV and housing clinics Access to community based CPNs Clear processes for the allocation of service users Clear treatment pathways from prison to shared care setting

Referral criteria All offenders that have had drugs identified as impacting on their offending behavior via probation All PPOs that have had drugs identified as impacting on their offending behavior A transfer of treatment from a tier 2/3 drug provider, looking for low threshold interventions in a shared care setting. A service user who is granted a Restriction On Bail (ROB) which is current under Swanswell referral criteria A PPO granted a Required Assessment (RA) Swanswell follow up appointments (RAFU) A service user who requires an appointment on release from custody, who has served 28 days or under Care co-ordination workshop6

Referral pathways Responsive to the service user need Clear on what, when and why Effective is this the best treatment place for the service user Informed all agencies are aware of the pathways Care co-ordination workshop7

Process Clear on what we require so we are able to process a referral effectively Concise on information we require Timely following agreed time scales on information gathering and 1 st appointments offered Feedback on process and developments, keeping all parties up-to-date Care co-ordination workshop8

Best practice Continuity of care by focusing on service user needs Pro-actively exploring safe guarding issues Pro-actively exploring possible vulnerable adults Attendance at multi agency meetings Use of clear effective time focused processes Innovative methods of communication and allocation methods The use of up-to-date technology Care co-ordination workshop9

Outcomes Active involvement with wrap-around services Continuity of care between prison and community 67% retention of probation offenders in treatment 78% retention of PPO offenders being in treatment 71% reduction in drug related crime 27% DNA rate Reduce fear in the community Family support Positive treatment outcomes Care co-ordination workshop10

Stuart Haste Criminal Justice Allocations Co-ordinator Chloe Baxter Vickers Shared Care Referrals Co-ordinator Lindsey Byrne PPO Treatment Co-ordinator Swanswell Ruskin Chambers 191 Corporation Street Birmingham B4 6RP T F E W Care co-ordination workshop11