Lab Results Interfaces S&I Framework Initiative Bi-Weekly Initiative Meeting March 12, 2012
Agenda Workgroup Updates Q&A + Group Discussion
Implementation Guide Analysis WG Volunteer Leads: Ken McCaslin, Hans Buitendijk Action Items/Next Steps Original HL7 re-ballot deadline of 3/21 likely to be extended 2 weeks until 04/09; final decision to be made this Thursday, 03/15 Completed: Discussion of Parent/Child Reporting for Reflex and Culture/Susceptibility Testing Finalized Specimen Fields (worked with Vocabulary WG) Updated OBR.28 (Results Copies To); required clarification of the condition predicate In Progress: Finalizing examples to include in the IG; will build on examples from the Validation Suite WG (full messages, segment snippets, data-type snippets); Pilots are also creating examples. By the time the IG goes forward as a normative ballot, the document will be populated with enough examples for implementers. Implementing final edits to the IG (editorial and content) This week’s meeting times: –Tuesday: 3:00-5:00 PM EDT –Thursday: 2:00-4:00PM EDT
Vocabulary WG Volunteer Lead: Cindy Johns Completed Recommendations Add the link to the CLSI definitions of Quantitative, Semi- quantitative, and Qualitative Results to the IG Specimen Segments –Motion to change to “O” for Sender and Receiver (with the exception of Observation End Date/Time- Sender:0; Receiver: RE) –In future versions of the guide both profiles will be RE Meeting time: –No meeting scheduled at this time, unless the need arises to review any ballot comments
Validation Suite WG Volunteer Lead: Robert Snelick Action Items Early Prototype Release 0.1 (February 7, 2012) available for comments/review: Phase 2b development of Validation Tool continues Next Steps Continue Collaborating with LRI IG Analysis WG on Test Messages for the LRI IG Monthly Workgroup meeting – next meeting March 27, 2012 Google Group (HL7V2_LRI_Testing) formed for discussion of the LRI IG, test tool, and testing issuesHL7V2_LRI_Testing Continue testing the LRI Validation Tool and developing test cases
Pilots WG Volunteer Lead: Robert Dieterle Action Items Five LRI Pilot Teams LRI Pilots WG had joint meeting with LRI IG Analysis WG on 02/28/12 Next Steps Pilot Teams continue to populate the Pilot Ecosystem Pilots Workgroup continues to review Pilot Charters/Briefs Pilot Teams continue work on identifying blocking issues, planning and implementing Pilot Deployments