Dealing with Test Anxiety
How do tests make you feel ? Excited & Enthusiastic ? Or Anxious & FREAKED OUT?
Well, it’s actually NORMAL to feel some amount of anxiety when faced with a test. A healthy amount of nervous energy actually helps us perform better.
BUT…. If your anxiety is so great that if affects your test taking ability, you need to learn a few strategies to help you deal with it.
Use positive “self-talk” to push stressful thoughts away. I can do this!
Take slow, deep, calming breaths to help you relax. The extra oxygen helps me think better, too!
Visualize. Your mind is so powerful that just by thinking about, and picturing in your mind a calm place, you can actually reduce your stress and anxiety.
Utilize the test taking strategies that we have learned in our earlier “test tips” lessons if you get stuck or “draw a blank”. First, I’ll eliminate the answer choices that I know can’t be right …
Always try to do your best. You’ll feel less panic because you know that you are truly “showing what you know”.
You’ll feel less stressed if you plan ahead how you will use your time. Don’t worry about the kids who finish before you do. Take the time that you need to do your best work.
So, what other things can I do to help me feel ready for a test?
Get plenty of rest! Turn off your television, radio, Mp3 player, cell phone, computer, hand held game, etc… ( but not your alarm clock) so they won’t keep you from the rest that your body and brain needs. Eat a healthy breakfast at home or when you get to school! Healthy foods and drinks provide your body with the fuel it needs to function!
When you take your next quiz or test, try out some of the strategies shared today. It’s true what they say about “practice makes perfect”… The more you practice controlling your test anxiety, the better you’ll get!
Option A: Think about how you can use any of the strategies shared today. Which seems as if it would work for you the best? Explain. Option B: Think about and share one stress reducing strategy or activity that you may already use to calm your nerves as a result of anything (even if it is not school related) that stresses you out. Read both of the options below. Choose one. Read it again, think about your response, and answer.