Marijuana 6 th Grade Drug Unit
DO NOW: Get out your iPad. Answer the following questions on the notability app: Do you think marijuana is addictive? What do you know about how marijuana affects your memory, motor skills, and judgment?
Objectives What effect does marijuana have on the body How is marijuana classified
Marijuana Article Scan this QR code: Read the article. Marijuana: Breaking Down the Myths (2010) Another article option: Marijuana Breaking Down the Buzz (2014) Another article option: Marijuana Breaking Down the Buzz (2014)
Marijuana Marijuana is an illegal drug that affects mood and short term memory. Slang terms for marijuana include: Pot, weed, grass, blunt, joint
So what’s the big deal? According to the 2010 Monitoring the Future survey, teen marijuana abuse is no longer declining. Why? One possibility is that teens don’t see it as harmful anymore. TV, music, exposure on computers leads to the myth that marijuana is not a big deal. What are some other possibilities?
The Facts The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC. (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) THC is the chemical in marijuana that is addictive. This chemical creates a feeling of pleasure and well being in users.
The Facts According the website, 17% of those who start using young become addicted to marijuana % of daily marijuana users are addicted to the illegal drug.
Marijuana’s effect on your social health Heavy users fall behind in their development of important social skills. Emotional control, interacting with others, etc. Users are more likely to be less motivated, less happy and less satisfied with their life.
Marijuana’s effects on the Brain Smoking marijuana can hurt your ability to… Concentrate Remember what you learned Focus on projects or tasks React quickly while driving Deal with depression Deal with anxiety Coordination is effected which will have an effect on your performance in sports and could lead to injury.
Marijuana’s effects on the Lungs Marijuana is often smoked, leading to problems in the lungs. According to the American Lung Association, there are 33 cancer causing agents in marijuana. Also, if equal amounts are smoked, marijuana deposits 4 times as much tar in the lungs. Marijuana users also develop coughs, excess phlegm and bronchitis.
The Facts Because of on going brain development, marijuana lingers on the teenage brain longer than the adult brain. (NPR, Fresh Air, 1/28/15) For example: If you get high on the weekend, it could effect your performance in school during the week.
Medical Marijuana Marijuana is legal for medical use in 23 of the 50 states in the US. (As of August 2014) Medical Uses: Treats nausea in cancer patients. Increases appetite in AIDS patients. Reducing the frequency of seizures in children with epilepsy.