1 Integration of Agricultural Statistics into National Statistics System in Brazil Flavio Pinto Bolliger Agricultural Coordinator - IBGE Meeting of the FAO/OEA-CIE/IICA Working Group on Agricultural and Livestock Statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean (25th Session) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2009 Survey Directorate Agriculture Coordination
2 the coordination of registers, samples, surveys and operating procedures must be observed to optimize the use of resources (a) on surveying common aspects of different objects of investigation guaranteed standardization of concepts (b) on surveying related matters or chain activities to establish mechanisms that guarantee coherence of the statistics produced (c) in a coincidence or overlap in the target population Integration needs
3 Integration of agricultural statistics Strategy - emphasis to lack of coordination among institutions operating integration This presentation: PART 1 - Thematic integration PART 2 - Pratical integration: register infrastructure
4 Thematic integration Key characteristics of our main agricultural continuous surveys, in Brazil (established, in principle, last century): done without direct inquiries to the producer (commission of informants ) production oriented (few variables) Integration done by national accounts: Agriculture Census base-year Continuous surveys annual data extrapolation
5 New model for business surveys 1996 suspended the economic census and instituted the Central Corporate Register (CEMPRE) and new bases for structural survey in industry, civil construction, commerce and services 2003 The new series of Brazilian national accounts, is referenced by annual surveys of industry, commerce and services. An equivalent is missing from agriculture, except with regard to the program of censuses. Agriculture out of “business surveys” !
6 Agriculture specificity: the strong bias of family farming! A large part of the agricultural production depends on family units and the income of a large number of families is basically or largely due to their agricultural undertaking/holding IBGE performs a widespread household survey program that will be included in the Integrated Household Survey Framework (SIPD), centered on a master sample. Analytical and methodological aspects deriving from the overlapping units (farm and household) imposes integration between agricultural surveys and household social survey system. Thus, direct investigation of the agricultural holding presupposes the assembly of a widespread integrated statistical approach.
7 IBGE is undertaking a major transition in its infrastructure and survey instruments. Follows Census 2007, including Agricultural Census 2006: National Address List for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE); Frame of Enumeration Areas with Agricultural Information; Register of Agricultural Holdings And Farmers – Cepa Operational integration
8 Instrumentalizing integration and frame maintenance For Demographic Census 2010, CNEFE is being associated with digital maps In the pilot test of an Ongoing Census characteristics of Agricultural Holdings are being registered
9 85,147 enumeration areas with agricultural activity: 62,600 in rural zone ---> (98% of area of Brazil) 22,600 in urban area or rural agglomerate Average of 61 holdings/sector And rural enumeration area with: Average of 151 km 2 total land surface (15,000 ha) Median of 47 km 2 (< 5,000 ha) of land surface Main characteristic: integral cover of target population by area sampling Frame of Enumeration Areas with Agricultural Information (area frame)
10 REGISTER OF AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS AND FARMERS – CEPA (list frame) Enumeration base (Agricultural Census 2006): ~5.2 million of registered agricultural holdings; ~1.2 million with complementary farmer list information (non- dweller); Integrate with Central Corporate Register (CEMPRE)
12 Families (natural person) Companies (corporate body) Households (dwelling concept) Local units Holdings Investigation Institutes and Units land properties buildings housing Liability Place + use A H AH – Agricultural Holdings
13 Integration of list frames - CEMPRE & CEPA CEMPRECEPA Common Identities and Units: Non-agro companies Agric. companies Businesses Non-agric. LUs Agric. LUs CEMPRE Company Agricultural Holding Family Agro holding & family administration Producers Company Entrepreneur, to own account, family CEPA
14 List updating Main source: Annual List of Employee Information and Wages (RAIS), an administrative register run by the Ministry of Labor. RAIS 2008: –82,000 local units of agricultural activity –288,000 other agricultural businesses with employees Total 369,000 agricultural production units.
15 AH – Agricultural Holdings Integration of registers CEMPRECEPA CNPJ RAIS and others CNPJ tax reg. Name & Address Enumeration Areas Frames Lat/Long Address. CNEFE List of Territorial Structures Address EA Code Lat/Long – Address EA Code Maps Lat/Long –Digital graphic connections State/County/District Code Ag Holding Household
16 Survey Model: a dual frame application strategy split the target population Considering the standards of administrative registered in Brazil, there is no possibility of doing without a an area frame sample in the survey of the agricultural sector. It is necessary to overcome its limitations for a more efficient sampling of the larger and specialized units.
17 Survey Model: a dual frame application List Frame (corporate and employer farms) Area Frame (family farms) Enumeration area sample Farm sample.
18 Obrigado Flávio Bolliger Coordenador de Agropecuária Diretoria de Pesquisas do IBGE Tel.: