Demographic Transition Model IB SL
Activity (Part 1) Look at the following table and put each statement in the correct stage (1-5) on the Demographic Transition Model Worksheet...
Sort Out Statements By Stage Example Location Birth Rate Death Rate Natural Increase Reasons For Change In BR Reasons For Change In DR Spain Ghana Gambia Brazil Kenya Egypt Japan France Germany India UK USA Low High Falling Very low Falls more slowly Falls Rapidly Stable Slow decrease Very rapid increase Increase slows down Improved medical care No family planning Family planning Good health Many children needed for farming Improved status of women Fewer children needed Religion/Culture Later Marriages Many children die young Good health care Disease Improvements in medical care Fewer children die Poor medical knowledge So many children die Reliable food supply Improved water supply/sanitation Famine
Stages 1-5 Look at the following video which will guide you through the 5 stages of the DTM...
Activity (Part 2) On the next page, look at the DTM again and... Put the correct stage beside each statement. Suggest a reason for why each statement should be linked to its particular stage. Under each of the 5 stages, sketch a rough population pyramid to show how each stage would look.
Sweden’s Experience
Requirements For The Transition mortality decline time lag fertility decline
Declining Infectious Diseases T.B.