Demographic Transition Model
*The DTM describes a sequence of changes in the relationships between birth and death rates. *The model was produced using changes in the natural increase in several countries in Western Europe and North America.
It suggests that the population growth rates for all countries can be divided into 4 stages.
Stage 1
Birth Rate - Very High Death Rate - Very High Natural Increase - Population Steady
Reasons for changes in birth rate:
Children needed for farming They die at an early age due to illnesses No family planning And religious and social encouragement.
Reasons for changes in death rate:
Disease Famine Poor medical knowledge and so many people die.
Stage 2
Birth Rate - Very High Death Rate - Falling Rapidly Natural Increase - Very Rapid Increase
Reasons for changes in birth rate:
Children needed for farming They die at an early age due to illnesses No family planning and religious and social encouragement. (same as stage 1)
Reasons for change in death rate:
Improvements in medical care Water Supply and sanitation Fewer children die.
Stage 3
Birth Rate: Falling rapidly Death Rate: Falling more slowly Natural Increase: Rapid increase
Reasons for changes in birth rate:
Improved medical care and diet Fewer children are needed
Reasons for changes in death rate:
Improvements in medical care Water Supply and sanitation Fewer children die
Stage 4
Birth Rate: Falling more slowly Death rate: Slight fall Natural Increase: Very slow increase
Reasons for changes in birth rate:
Family planning Good health Later marriages Improving status of women
Reasons for changes in death rate:
Good health care Reliable food supply People are living much longer
Stage 5
Birth Rate: Slight fall Death Rate: Stable Natural Increase: Gentle decrease
Reasons for changes in birth rate:
Family planning Good health Later marriages Improving status of women
Reasons for changes in death rate:
Good health care Reliable food supply People are living much longer
Stage 1: A few remote Groups Stage 2:Egypt, Kenya, India Stage 3: Brazil Stage 4: USA, Japan, France, UK Stage 5: Germany (the future)
Produced by Amy