Statistical Capacity Building Project Database Technical Assistance in Statistics Team Development Economic Data Group World Bank
What it does… Paris21 Task Teams 1. Advocacy 2. Information Exchange 3. Sequenced Information Strategies 4. Indicators for Poverty Monitoring and Statistical Capacity 5. Methodologies and Technologies 6. Census n Draw on experience of members n Promote flow of information relating to SCB n Build on the results already achieved n Develop indicators of statistical capacity n Assess ongoing development in data collection and processing n Advocate the need for regular censuses
Searchable Criteria Country --->> Sector --->> Board Date --->> Financing Instrument --->> Statistical Category --->>
Searchable Criteria Country --->> Sector --->> Board Date --->> Financing Instrument --->> Statistical Category --->>
Sectors Agriculture Economic Policy Education Electric Pwr & Engy. Environment Finance Hlth, Nutn & Popultn Mining Oil & Gas Private Sector Dev. Public Sector Mgmt. Social Protection Telecomm. & Informatics Transportation Urban Development Water Supply & Santn
Searchable Criteria Country --->> Sector --->> Board Date --->> Financing Instrument --->> Statistical Category --->>
Financing Instruments 1. Loans 2. Grants n Institutional Development Fund n Global Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building
Searchable Criteria Country --->> Sector --->> Board Date --->> Financing Instrument --->> Statistical Category --->>
Statistical Categories 1. Statistical Capacity n Statistical infrastructure n Human resources n Development plans and strategies 2. Statistical Institutional Structure n Legal framework n Institutional framework n Management and organization 3. Data Collection and Processing n Methods of data collection and processing n Design/implementation of censuses n Design/implementation of surveys n Design/collection of administrative data
Statistical Categories 4. Data Compilation n Use of standard classification/methodologies n Real sector data (exc. NA, Env. Agri. data) n National Accounts n Environmental data n Agricultural data n Fiscal sector data n Financial sector data n External sector data n Social and demographic data n Other data
Statistical Categories 5. Data Access Policy and Dissemination n Data storage, access and support n Data dissemination (GDDS/SDDS) 6. Other
Search... Country --->> Sector --->> Board Date --->> Financing Instrument --->> Statistical Category --->> Search --->> Russia --->> Public Sector Management --->> From 1998 to >> Loan --->> Design/implementation of surveys --->> National Accounts --->> Data Dissemination
Hit Development of the State Statistical System Project Country Russia Sector Public Sector Management Financing Instrument Loan Board Date 5/13/99 Total Loan Amount in M $US 30 Statistical Category n Data dissemination n Design/implementation of surveys n Fiscal sector data n Management and organization n Methods of data collection and processing n National Accounts n Statistical infrastructure n Use of standard classifications/methodologies
Hit Development of the State Statistical System Project Description (1) Improvement of organization, management strategy and perspective planning. This involves: (i) restructuring and strengthening of the state statistical system (SSS); (ii) enhancement of management skills; and (iii) capacity building for human resource management. (2) Advancement of knowledge of standards and methodology. This consists of: (i) training in international methodology for official statistical surveys; (ii) training in statistical software; and (iii) specialists training. (3) Strengthening of statistical infrastructure which requires: (i) legislation of stakeholder relationship; (ii) managerial and planning facilities; (iii) survey design and operational facilities; (iv) general household survey facility; and (v) standard classification unit. (4) Reorganization of data collection, processing and dissemination. This involves: (i) development of a systematic plan to complete the process of replacing regular economic/business censuses with sample surveys for all statistics…..
Some Statistics… No. of Projects by: n Sector n Statistical Category n Region n Country
No. of Projects by Sector
No. of Projects by Stat. Cat
No. of Projects by Stat. Cat.
No. of Projects by Region
No. of Projects by Region (%)
No. of Projects by Country China 13 India9 Indonesia9 Bangladesh7 Brazil6 Argentina5 Tunisia5 Armenia4 Bulgaria4 Bosnia-Herz.4 Egypt4 Jordan4 Lebanon4 Mexico4 Morocco4 Nicaragua4 Vietnam4
No. of Projects by Country (All) China 103 India67 Indonesia53 Brazil51 Ghana41 Argentina39 Uganda33 Bangladesh32 Senegal30 Russia29 Tanzania28 Bolivia26 Turkey25 Madagascar24 Kenya23 Colombia23 Mauritania22
No. of Projects by Country (All) China 103 India67 Indonesia53 Brazil51 Ghana41 Argentina39 Uganda33 Bangladesh32 Senegal30 Russia29 Tanzania28 Bolivia26 Turkey25 Madagascar24 Kenya23 Colombia23 Mauritania22
No. of Projects by Country
International Organizations Governments Bilateral Donors General Public Academics
International Organizations Governments Bilateral Donors General Public Academics
Statistical Capacity Capacity BuildingBuilding