PLC Coordinating Council Data Data Everywhere, Putting Some Pieces together.


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Presentation transcript:

PLC Coordinating Council Data Data Everywhere, Putting Some Pieces together

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Data Defined individual facts, statistics, or items of information (When used with a plural verb) “Data are entered by terminal for immediate processing by the computer.” a body of facts; information (When used with a singular verb) “Additional data is available from the president of the firm.”

Let’s think about it Data is a plural of datum, which is originally a Latin noun meaning “something given.” Today, data is used in English both as a plural noun meaning “facts or pieces of information” (These data are described more fully elsewhere) and as a singular mass noun meaning “information”: Not much data is available on flood control in Brazil. It is almost always treated as a plural in scientific and academic writing. In other types of writing it is either singular or plural. The singular datum meaning “a piece of information” is now rare in all types of writing.

Something to Consider “Teachers in gap closing schools use assessments more often, use data more frequently, and work collaboratively to analyze and act upon the data.” DuFour et. al.

Four Types of Data

Successful schools/districts use student assessment data combined with other kinds of data to make themselves intelligent designers of instruction. Four Types of Data Demographic data Student achievement/learning data Perception/customer satisfaction data Process/program data

What are Demographic Data? Answer the question, “Who are we?” Victoria Bernhardt suggests we start by answering this question. Demographic data describe: Students Staff Parents Community

Data on learning “Assessment data” Summative: Assessment OF Learning Formative: Assessment FOR Learning What are Student Achievement Data?

Perception data: Tell us about the culture and climate of our school Tell us what the stakeholders think, feel, or believe Tell us about satisfaction with the learning environment Represent client’s perspective What are Perception Data?

PLC work is a systemic process “Improvement is not achieved by focusing on the results, but by focusing on improving the systems that create the results.” National Leadership Network

Help us understand how we got our results. Tell us what we (the adults) are doing that is/is not working for which students. They help us ask questions about what to do differently to get different results. Why are Process/Program Data important?

First Big Idea: Ensure Learning for ALL students We accept high levels of learning for all students as the fundamental purpose of our school and therefore are willing to examine all practices in light of their impact on learning.

School Improvement Connection “The school holds high expectations for all students, identifies essential curricular content making certain it is sequenced appropriately and is taught effectively in the available instructional times. Assessments used are aligned to curricular content and are used to guide instructional decisions and monitor student learning.” (MDE) “The school provides research based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students.” (NCA)

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