Webinar—26 June 2013 Geneva, Switzerland
Messages from the ILO Director-General Outcomes of Main Committees ◦ Social Dialogue ◦ Green Economy ◦ Demographic Context ◦ Application of Standards Global Supply Chain Issues Campaign against Child Labour
1. Tripartism and representative legitimacy 2. Role of global standards 3. Policy coherence with international organizations 4. ILO relations with enterprises
1. Tripartism and representative legitimacy ◦ Unduly defensive ◦ Opportunities for actors outside of tripartite community ◦ Added value and expertise 2. Role of global standards ◦ Rebuilding trust ◦ Future innovations are possible
3. Policy coherence ◦ Calling for a new institutional framework ◦ Post-2015 Development Agenda ◦ References to women, migration, planetary limits, climate change and sustainable development, and the role of ICT ◦ Redefining the geographic location and boundaries of enterprises
4. ILO relations with enterprises ◦ New Enterprise Department ◦ Outreach to private actors – the realities of modern business and responding to business needs ◦ “Continuing fruitful dialogue” with the IOE ◦ Slowness of ILO response to corporate social responsibility Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ISO Guidance on Social Responsibility
Looking to 2019 for 100 years of ILO Initiatives encompassing Women at Work Enterprise End to Poverty Green Standards Governance Future of Work
Urbanization and population growth but also Significance of changing dependency ratios Rapidly ageing populations Lifelong learning Phased-in retirement Increasing care economies (ILO research focus) Social protection systems and pension costs Youth bulge and unemployment crisis
Green Growth controversies – Rio+20 Summit Differing ideas but moving closer together Opportunities for new jobs Restructuring labour markets Improving the greening of current jobs and enterprises Transitional assistance Production disruptions Higher energy prices
Agriculture, fisheries and forestry Water management and sanitation Energy resource-intensive industries Recycling and waste management Buildings Transportation
Compromise to reinforce tripartism Collective bargaining recognized at the core Capacity building requirements Global supply chains New challenges and spaces for cross-border social dialogue Conference agenda item no later than 2016 Meeting of experts to analyze Contemporary experiences, challenges and trends
Workers lament: decline of collective bargaining Employers lament: Committee of Experts operating outside its mandate D-G looking for innovations to circumvent impasse Building of trust
Signed in May 2013 – two unions, 52 brands and two NGOs (?) Collaboration and cooperation between brands – collective action Agreement on technical fire and building safety standards Raising the minimum wage and improving the right to organize
Accord between global entities and not include local groups in Bangladesh Government should have primary role to protect workers Limited applicability to 800 factories out of 3000 for ready-made garments for export Major US brands not in the Accord
Increase number of factory inspectors from 200 to 800 Raise minimum wage Establish a cabinet committee Enact labor law amendments Empower women Provide training programs for the injured US and EU supporting public initiatives
World Day against Child Labor – 12 June Brazil and the Third Global Conference on Child Labor ◦ Evaluate progress since 2010 Roadmap ◦ Revisit 2016 target on worst forms of child labor ◦ Identify challenges and propose new measures ◦ Delegations to have four categories – governments, employers, workers and civil society ◦ Tracks to include one on views of children and adolescents
Future of work – the place of work in our lives and societies Employment and enterprise development as keys to Post-2015 Development Agenda UNCTAD World Investment Report 2013 on Global Value Chains Redefining the geographic location and boundaries of enterprises G20 Summit of labor and finance ministers