Preview 1-8 Write and answer this question in notebook: What were some major events that happened during Andrew Jackson’s terms? The major events that happened during Andrew Jackson’s terms were… – Indian Removal Act – Worchester v Georgia – National Bank falls – Nullification Crisis – Trail of Tears
Learning Target We will learn to summarize the major events of Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Success Criteria I will identify common mistakes on my quiz and discuss muddiest point for each.
Check Jackson Quiz Use a different color. No changing answers. Write how many missed on the front.
Jackson Recap Activity Look over your Jackson Quiz Pick 4 questions that were challenging to you or that you missed – Write why you missed it – Look through your notes to find the correct answers – Mark the correct answer and why it is correct – You will get 10 minutes
Jackson Recap Activity Sharing – Partner A will get 45 seconds for each question that they chose as their muddiest point (Partner B just listen) – Then Partner B will share each question for 45 seconds they chose (Partner A just listen)
Jackson Recap Activity Discuss with your partner which questions were the most challenging Choose 3 questions Each group will share 1 question from the quiz and why it was challenging to them
Jackson Recap Activity Pick 2-3 key terms from the study guide Write 2-3 sentences about each key term in your notebook or on your study guide