Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town (Reading). 1 Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. pollution country shopping mall souvenirs theatre.


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Welcome to Sunshine Town!
Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town (Reading)


Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. pollution country shopping mall souvenirs theatre b.the land outside cities or town e. building with many shops a. things that help you think of a person,place,etc. d.a place for people to watch plays or shows c. the state of being dirty

What can we do in Sunshine Town? We can live in flats in a modern town, go shopping, eat Chinese food, enjoy Beijing opera.

1.It takes 40 minutes to walk to the centre of Beijing from Sunshine Town. 2.There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town. 3.Many students live in tall buildings. 4.There are only two shopping malls in Sunshine Town.. 5.You can eat Beijing Duck in Sunshine Town. 6.You can enjoy Beijing Opera at the theatre. F.F. T.T. T.T. F.F. T T.T.

Sunshine Town is a new town in Beijing. It’s only 40 minutes from the center of Beijing by ___________. There is _____air pollution in Sunshine Town _________ in other areas of Beijing. There is a__________ park. The park is___________. Its name is Sunshine Park. You can go ______ there. You can see ____ hills, trees and lakes, too. ----Live in a modern town undergroundless than country beautiful walkinggreen

Most of us live in _____ buildings. They usually have 18 to 35______.Look at this tall building. Most of us live in buildings ___ this. We like to live in tall buildings because we can be _____ to our friends.For example, Millie and Simon live in the_____ building. Millie’s home is ___ the ninth floor and Simon’s home is on the eleventh floor. They do not ____ to go ___ if they need ____ ____ their homework! --live in flats tall floors like close same on have far help with

Hey, this is ____. There are lots of good shops in Sunshine Town. You can shop _____ten o’clock at night in _____ shopping malls. Star Shopping Mall is our_________ shopping mall. You can _____ lots of _________ here. Most souvenirs are not _________. You ____ a _____ money and they are yours. --go shopping great until most favourite findsouvenirs expensive pay little

If so, you are here in the _____ place! How many restaurants are there in Sunshine Town?It is____ to say. You can ____ any food you like in Sunshine Town. You can _____ Beijing food you ____ in Sunshine Town.You can _______ Beijing Duck in _____ of the Chinese restaurant in Star Shopping Mall. How ______ Beijing Duck can you eat? If you don’t like Chinese food, there are lots of ________ restaurants too. --eat Chinese food? right hardchoose try like try one Western much

Why____ you ____ our _____ theatre with us? You can _____ Beijing opera here. Can you _______ Beijing opera? No? Well, _____ _____ We can teach you. --enjoy Beijing opera? don’tvisit local enjoy sing never mind

What can we do in Yixing.

We can --climb the hills --buy the famouse China --enjoy different tea --travel around beautiful caves…

Language points: 1 ) Welcome to sp. 欢迎来到某地。 欢迎到中国来. 欢迎回家。 2) There is / are + 名词 to do sth. sb. have/ has sth. to do. 有 … 要做。 在阳光城有许多事情要做。 有许多问题要问。 Welcome to China. Welcome back home. There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town. There are lots of questions to ask.

3) There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing. less+ 不可数名词 +than… 比 … 少 fewer+ 可数名词 +than more + 不可数 / 可数名词 +than… 比 … 多 I drink ________ tea ________ Jack. ( 我喝的茶比捷克喝的多 ) She eats ________ rice ________ I do. ( 她吃的饭比我的少 ) I have _________ photos _______she does. ( 我的照片比他的少 ) 。 more than less than fewer than

4)It's only 40 minutes from the center of Beijing by underground. by+ 交通工具 乘地铁 / 汽车 / 火车 / 飞机 / 轮船 5)such 这样的, 此类的. 作定语, 置于 a,an 之前。 这样的一个人 这样的一幢高楼 这样的一个好天气 青岛是一个如此美丽的城市 by underground/car/train/plane/ship. such a man such a tall building such a nice day Qingdao is such a beautiful city. The city of Qingdao is so beautiful.

6) be close to 靠近 We like it because we are close to our friends. 他的座位离我的很近。 His seat 7)We do not have to go far. don’t have to=needn’t 你不必住在如此小的房子里。 You don’t _______ _______ _________ in ________ ________ _______ house. 他不必每天打扫卧室。 He ________ ________ ________ _________ his bedroom. is very close to mine. have to live such a small doesn’t have to clean

8)until 直到 You can shop until ten o’clock at night. 他昨天作业做到九点半。 He ___________________9:30 every night. 9 ) any 任何,无论什么,用在肯定句中。 You can choose any food you like. 你想哪天来就哪天来。 You can come ______ _____ you like. Shanghai is bigger than ________ _________ ( 其他的任何一个 ) city in China. does homework until any day any other

10) Why don’t you do sth.= Why not do sth. 表达说话人的一种建议: 为什么不? How about doing sth.= What about doing sth. 也表达说话人的一种建议 为什么不和我们一起去本地的剧院呢? 为何不去钓鱼呢? (2) Why not/ Why don’t you visit our local theatre with us? Why not go fishing? Why don’t you go fishing?

一、翻译下列短语。 1) 住在一个现代化的城市 2 )从北京市中心 3 )乘地铁 4 )空气污染 5 )一个美丽的乡村公园 6 )去散步 7) 这样一幢高楼 live in a modern city from the centre of Beijing by underground air pollution a beautiful country park go walking such a tall building

8) 靠近我们的朋友 9) 带你去其他的购物中心 10) 任何一种食物 11) 参观我们当地的剧院 12) 欣赏京剧 13) 使空气脏 14) 许多西餐馆 be close to our friends take you to other shopping malls any food visit our local theatre enjoy Beijing Opera make the air dirty lots of Western restaurants

二、根据首字母及句字意思填空: 1) There is less air p__________ in Yunnan than in Shanghai. 2) My grandparents often sees plays in a t___________. 3) Most of people in our city live in a tall b__________. 4) We can go to the Beijing Zoo by u___________. 5) You can’t get off the bus u_________ it stops. 6) You can buy some s_________ in your favourite shopping mall. 7) Would you like to enjoy Beijing O__________? 8)You can eat a lot of delicious food in W__________ restaurants. pera heatre uilding nderground ntil ouvenirs ollution estern

三. 翻译下列句子 : 1. 从我家到学校乘地铁要 20 分钟 2. 他们互相很亲近 3. 他每天作业直到 10 点。 It’s twenty minutes from my home to my school by underground. They are close to each other. He does homework until ten o’clock every day.

4. 你为什么不去散步呢? 5. 公园离我们近,我不必乘公共车。 6. 这个杯里的水比那个的少。 Why don’t you go walking? Why not go walking? The park is near us, I don’t have to take a bus/go by bus. There is less water in this glass than in that one.

Thank you THANK YOU !