How to make your first game In ten easy steps By: Aaron Charcoal Styles
About Me 1. Tafe student for 2 years 2 games 2. Pro for 1 year 3 games 3. Indie for 1 year 1 game 4. Uni student for 1.5 years 6 games
Step 1 The Idea
Step 1: The Idea
Step 2 Go Away
Step 2: Go Away
Step 3 Write It
Step 3: Write It
Step 4 Ignore It
Step 4: Ignore It
Step 5 It’s a homage
Step 5: It’s a homage
Step 6 Analysis
Step 6: Analysis Pick out the actors
Step 6: Analysis Pick out the actions Alien Movement UFO Movement Player Movement Player Shoot Bullet Movement
Step 6: Analysis Pick out the interactions Bullet vs Invader Both die Addition to score Bullet vs player Both die Subtract life Bullet vs cover Bullet dies Cover crumbles Bullet vs UFO Both die Addition to score Invader vs player Both die Subtract life Invader vs cover Cover crumbles
Step 6: Analysis Pick out the polish SFX On Bullet spawn On Invader move On Invader killed On UFO spawn On Player killed VFX Invaders animate on move Cover crumbles Invader Bullet animates Explosion when Invader, UFO or Player dies
Step 7 Pick a Tech
Step 7: Pick a Tech
Step 7: Pick a Tech Game Maker
Step 7: Pick a Tech Flixel
Step 7: Pick a Tech Unity
Step 7: Pick a Tech XNA
Step 8 Join a Community (or ten)
Step 8: Join a Community TIGSource Forums
Step 8: Join a Community Super Friendship Club
Step 8: Join a Community IGDA Melbourne
Step 9 Make the Game
Step 9: Make the Game
Step 10 Show it Off
Step 10: Show it Off
Conclusion Steps 4 to 10 for the first game Steps 1 to 3 and 6 to 10 for future games