leaning tower
Opera House
Statue of Liberty
Eiffel Tower
Mount Fuji
Man fears Time; yet Time fears the Pyramids.
The River Nile
The High Dam
Abu Simbel
How many people are there in the dialogue? Who are they? What they are talking about? 4 people. They are Mr. White, Mrs. White, Pippa and Bob. They are talking about the plan for their trip.
peopleTheir suggestion Mr. White Mrs. White Bob Pippa visit the High Dam visit the town of Aswan go shopping this evening take a boat on the River Nile
We could visit the town of Aswan. I’d prefer to do that tomorrow. I don’t feel like walking very much today. I’d like to take a boat on the River Nile. I’d like to do some shopping but not during the day. Maybe we could to shopping this evening. Can’t we visit the High Dam? wan fang-fang:
What are they doing now when the story happen? Where is Abu Simbel temple? If you want to go for a walk around Aswan, what you’d better take? They are at breakfast, talking about the plan for their trip. It’s on the edge of the lake that has been made by the dam You’d better take a hat. The sun will burn you if you’re not careful.
America: White House Statue of Liberty Disneyland Times Square Hawaii Pentagon China Town ……
DiscussUse these phrase: where to go how to get there how long to spend there what to do there what to take What shall we do on Sunday? (Maybe) We could visit…. I’d prefer to go to/ visit… I’d like to … Can’t we…? If we go to …, we can… I think we should … You’d / We’d better take…
the Forbidden City
the Great Wall
the Temple of Heaven
Tiananmen Square Huabiao
the Summer Palace
The Forbidden City The Tiananmen Square The Great Wall The Temple of Heaven The Summer Palace Beijing University …….
://homepage ncient/index.html /Forgotten/abusimbel.html
1.Finish exercise 2 and 3 on the Workbook 2.Preview Lesson 90. Find more information about the High Dam and Abu Simbel.