1 ARCC (Accountability Reporting for Community Colleges) Board of Trustees Study Session Presentation October 10, 2007 Cathy Hasson (Skyline) Jing Luan (District) Eric Raznick (District) Bart Scott (Cañada) John Sewart (CSM)
2 From Where did ARCC Originate? Evolved from “Partnership for Excellence” Created by legislative mandate (AB1417) to quantify performance within the community college Indicators developed by the State Chancellor’s Office and the statewide Research and Planning Group (The RP Group)
3 What does ARCC do? Requires an annual report to the Legislature Informs the local boards of trustees of the college performance Sets a standard for accountability and results for California’s community colleges Reports outcomes at the college level, as well as the system level
4 What ARCC doesn’t do? Rank one college against the other Tie to any funding mechanism Track intra-district enrollment
ARCC Indicators Student Progress & Achievement Percent of Students Earning 30 Units Persistence Rates Course Success Rates Vocational Basic Skills Basic Skills Improvement Rates
Peer Groups & Data Clusters Peer groups were determined by cluster analysis--Partitioning the dataset into groupings that minimize differences. Strength-Powerful analytical tool Weakness-Cannot use qualitative data Note: Different datasets were used for each indicator, so each indicator has a different peer group
Data Elements in Peer Groups Student Info: Age, Education Level, Enrollment, Financial Aid, Gender, & Load Academic Preparation (Stanford 9 scores) Distance from nearest CSU/UC SAT scores at nearest CSU/UC Service Area Income
8 Cañada College to to to Student Progress & Achievement Rate 51.4%52.6%50.1% Percent of Students Who Earned at Least 30 Units 64.1%68.7%72.4%
9 Cañada College to to to Persistence Rate71.5%65.2%69.6% Annual Course Completion Rate for Vocational Courses 79.7%76.6%75.5% Annual Successful Course Completion for Basic Skills Courses 63.4%61.9%60.2%
10 College of San Mateo to to to Student Progress & Achievement Rate 63.3%63.8%59.8% Percent of Students Who Earned at Least 30 Units 72.2%70.3%73.5%
11 College of San Mateo to to to Persistence Rate72.4%75.3%71.0% Annual Course Completion Rate for Vocational Courses 79.6%79.5%78.8% Annual Successful Course Completion for Basic Skills Courses 60.0%56.4%60.5%
12 Skyline College to to to Student Progress & Achievement Rate 57.0%56.6%56.3% Percent of Students Who Earned at Least 30 Units 65.5%68.4%69.3%
13 Skyline College to to to Persistence Rate67.3%72.9%70.7% Annual Course Completion Rate for Vocational Courses 76.3%77.1%73.8% Annual Successful Course Completion for Basic Skills Courses 62.6%61.9%62.5%
14 ARCC Cycle College Analysis & Self Assessment Trustees & CEO Informed Adjustment to Programs & Services New data submission ARCC report and data from System Office
15 Update for ARCC 2008 Ancillary 2008 analyses are under way Create performance indicators for noncredit courses State will conduct a new peer group analysis
16 Where Does the ARCC Data Come From? Based on existing data from MIS (Management Information System) Data clean-up project to improve results - CRCC (Curriculum Reporting for the Community Colleges) Improved data from CRCC will contribute to a usable ESL improvement rate for the ARCC
17 ARCC Contacts Cathy Hasson (Skyline) Jing Luan (District) Eric Raznick (District) Bart Scott (Cañada) John Sewart (CSM)