Leonardo da Vinci Programme WASTE –TRAIN PROJECT 2 nd Meeting in Dresden, GERMANY 07_11 March 2007
Contents WASTE-TRAIN / summary / 1 Progress in the project Time limits for the work packages 2 3
Project’s priority is to develop the quality of VET systems and practices. Objectives of the project: Pointing up the issue of solid waste management. Training the decision makers working at strategic levels & executives & staff having to deal with wastes. New Technologies, directives, methods and principles of Modern-Solid-Waste-Management System. WASTE-TRAIN is an original project as no advanced Training modules in European countries exist in the most recent Modern Solid Waste Management Systems. WASTE-TRAIN /summary/
Project aims to transfer new technologies and up-to-date knowledge to the target group by specific training methods. Since the target group is new in training in Solid-Waste- Management sector, the target group & the potential users have to learn and be trained about how to reduce what is left behind, where it goes, how waste affects the environment. WASTE-TRAIN Group’s aim will be to maintain a clean and healthy environment and try to teach to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle the wastes as much as possible. WASTE-TRAIN /summary/
The valorization of the project will be mainly through e- learning on a common platform and by the products of interactively & specially designed WEB site, interactive DVD, book and vocational training courses. The Project will strongly support the main principles of European Environmental and Waste Management Policies. WASTE-TRAIN /summary/
What is done in the First-6 months: Background definitions of the countries on Solid Waste Management systems. Need Analysis of the countries specified by the partners. Specifically recognition of target groups, final & potential users. National reports on general background & need specifications. Analysis of existing SWM systems in partner countries. Differentiation of SWM problem & their solutions in the countries. Development of project technical content. Development of project web-page. Development of technical book content. Valorisation of the project through project leaflets, poster.. Dissemination reports by the partners, Monitoring & evaluation of the project, reports by the partners, Start for the Moodle and e-learning.. WASTE-TRAIN Progress in the Project
3 th – 6 th month 4 th – 12 th month WASTE-TRAIN Progress in the Project Interactive WEB site Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3 Interactive DVD Book Decision makers/ executives/ staff/ SMEs/ Companies/ Associations Public
The dates for the meetings are fixed as: Germany /Dresden – Italy /Mondavia – Spain /Salamanca – Poland – Turkey /Ankara – WASTE-TRAIN Progress in the Project
Project Management based on 8 WP’s Development of Basic tools Background analysis Development of engineering tools Implementation and Production of tools Coordination Monitoring and Evaluation of progress Development of training materials Valorization P1,12 P8,7,6 P2,4 P9,13 P3 P5 P10,11 P1,9,12
Time limits for the Work Packages COORDINATORS OF THE WASTE-TRAIN PROJECT’S WORK- PACKAGES: WORKPACKAGE1 : START OF PROJECT and BACKGROUND ANALYSIS : Coordinators are P1 + P12. ( ERBIL Engineering + Pamukkale University) The start and finish dates and overall duration : Start: 2 nd month ( ) Finish: 8 th month ( ) Duration: 7 months
The technical National Reports have to be completely finished by the end of May, specifying the National WASTE Management systems in the corresponding countries and the need analysis, target groups, potential & final users of the WASTE-TRAIN Project..
WORKPACKAGE2 : DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC TOOLS : Coordinators are P8+P7+P6. (University of Comillas + University of Salamanca + IETcc-CSIC) The start and finish dates and overall duration : Start: 3 rd month ( ) Finish: 24 th month ( ) Duration : 22 months
The interactive specially designed web-site ( train.eu ) must be completely & professionally finished by the end of March train.eu DVD must be completely finished by the end of September..The content, format & schedule of the DVD must be clear by the end of May…A user’s manual will be prepared for the DVD for the easy usage of the beneficiaries..
WORKPACKAGE3 : DEVELOPMENT OF ENGINEERING TOOLS : Coordinators are P2+P4. ( TBU Consultants + ICU ) The start and finish dates and overall duration : Start: 4 th month ( ) Finish: 24 th month ( ) Duration : 21 months
After the complete design of the web-site (by the end of March) an example for a design of a WASTE TREATMENT PROJECT will be implemented to the web-site dynamically until the end of July... The BOOK will be completely completed by the end of September 07.. The content for the vocational training courses will be complete by the end of November 07..
The vocational courses will be given between January 08 and April 08.. The WASTE-TRAIN Booklet will be discussed, if needed additions will be done & it will be used for the dissemination purposes after the discussion & it will be complete at the latest by the end of March 07…Then, it will be given to Valorisation Team as a product of the project to be used in dissemination..
WORKPACKAGE4 : DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TRAINING MATERIALS, BLENDED- LEARNING AND ICT: Coordinators are P9 + P13 (Training SUPSI ) The start and finish dates and overall duration : Start: 7 th month ( ) Finish: 24 th month ( ) Duration : 18 months
Everything about the methodology of e-learning has to be ready before the technological concept.The module will be completely ready by the end of November, which means it will be started to be used by the beneficiaries. New methods for training will be discussed: IPOD TRAINING USING TV (will be discussed in detail by the training team)
WORKPACKAGE5 : IMPLEMENTATION and PRODUCTION of TOOLS : Coordinator is P3 ( PSCH) The start and finish dates and overall duration : Start: 4 th month ( ) Finish: 24 th month ( ) Duration : 21 months
What will be done for the production of best products? Timo will be searching them all through the project.. He will be giving the time-schedule for his reports.
WORKPACKAGE6 : MONITORING and EVALUATION of the PROGRESS of the PROJECT: Coordinator is P5 ( ZEUS ) The start and finish dates and overall duration : Start: 4 th month ( ) Finish: 24 th month ( ) Duration : 21 months
Nicole will be evaluating & monitoring the project all through the project… She will be preparing the reports on evaluation.. She will be giving the time-schedule for the reports..
WORKPACKAGE7 : VALORISATION ( DISSEMINATION+EXPLOITATION of RESULTS ) : Coordinators are P10 + P11 ( PBCP + LJUB ) The start and finish dates and overall duration : Start: 2 nd month ( ) Finish: 24 th month ( ) Duration : 23 months
Every workpackage is important but THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE… Why?? If we can’t disseminate the project, we can only train ourselves which means only 13 partners will be trained… SO, EVERYBODY IS INVOLVED IN THIS WORKPACKAGE & WILL BE ACTIVELY WORKING FOR THE VALORISATION OF THE PROJECT.. Paul & Stanislav will give the time schedule for the dissemination reports…
WORKPACKAGE8 : PROJECT MANAGEMENT and COORDINATION : Coordinators are P1 + P9 + P12 ( ERBIL Engineering + Training Pamukkale University) The start and finish dates and overall duration : Start: 2 nd month ( ) Finish: 24 th month ( ) Duration : 23 months
Management in general & Implementation of technical, research, administrative and financial aspects of the Project WASTE- TRAIN will be performed carefully & in detail to have a successful project, First Interim Report will be given in October 07.. Commercialization and accreditation of the Project Results will be discussed by Elmo..
INTERMS OF PRODUCTS OF THE WASTE-TRAIN PROJECT: In general, all the products will be translated into native languages between … Web-site DVD (to be discussed by web-team) Book Booklet Example of the waste treatment plant project Vocational training courses (to be discussed by technical team) Posters Brochure Others (to be discussed by valorisation team) e-learning Vocational Training Courses (to be discussed by training team)
ProductStart Time (months after project starts) Finish Time (months after project starts) Target groupsLanguageMedium used# of copies Certifi cation Interactive specially designed WEB site 3 rd month6 th monthPublicEnglishInternet+ Web -- DVD4 th month12 th month Decision makers/executives /staff+SMEs+Companies+ Associations EnglishComputer3400- Book4 th month12 th month Decision makers/executives /staff+SMEs+Companies+ Associations English-640 hard copies - Translation of all products 13 th month15 th month Decision makers/executives /staff+SMEs+Companies+ Associations In all Partners’ languages Vocational training courses (will be given between the specified months) 16 th month18 th month Decision makers/executives/staff English+Partners’ languages Training Organisa tions Training courses:2 days Yes e-learning methodologies ( **blended learning) 13 th month24 th month Decision makers/executives /staff+SMEs+Companies+ Associations+public English+Partners’ languages Internet+ Web