‘Are we ready for the Green Economy’ Edexcel Perspective John Fincham Slide 1 Training from Edexcel
History – 2005/2006 – Awareness raising London Sustainability Exchange – an audit of colleges around London Interview principals/heads of curriculum about sustainability in the curriculum and their college sustainability plans Results were that there were few units in courses with the title of sustainability eg construction; no sustainability qualifications and not many principals/facility managers implementing sustainability measures or aware that they were doing so No real progress at Edexcel at this time on sustainability courses – started to raise awareness
Need for Sustainability in the curriculum Integration into all courses Sector Skills Councils approval (government pressure –vocational courses)– work with Cogent, SEMTA, Construction Skills etc Need for vocationally related sustainability courses – to meet the needs of employers FE colleges/schools started to contact Edexcel about four/five years ago – for courses that concentrated on different aspects of sustainability and jobs in sustainability for example - Sussex had a consortium of schools, South Stafford FE College, Cambridge FE College, City and Islington College etc
Developments – Sustainability Courses BTEC Sustainability Skills suites of qualifications at Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2 – 42 units BTEC National Suite of qualifications in Environmental Sustainability – 27 units Worked with Cogent on their Sustainability Skills suite of qualifications – QCF readiness GCE Chemistry – section on Green Chemistry – insistence by the RSC to include – otherwise no support Sustainability units in a large number of vocationally related qualifications Slide 4 Training from Edexcel
Delivery and Assessment 100% internal assessment – vocationally related assignment/ project driven – criterion referenced – learners provide evidence – BTEC approach to enable learners to gain ownership and develop as independent learners
Support Materials Edexcel website – large number of assignments – working with British Gas, Woodland Trust, Water Aid etc GCE AS equivalent materials available soon based on project within the BTEC National in Environmental Sustainability Slide 6 Training from Edexcel
Edexcel Curriculum Good Awareness in Qualification Development and many Business Managers Sustainability courses one of the fastest growing suites – dedicated staff Still require a rationale for each new qualification projected number of learners Edexcel/Pearson Stand Slide 7 Training from Edexcel