GCSE Maths Information Evening Monday 21 st September Welcome
Staff present this evening: Mrs Melanie Ferron-Evans Headteacher Mr Gareth Erlandson Lead Learner Year 11 Mrs Andrea Devereux Curriculum Lead for Maths Miss Kathryn Forrester – KS3 Co-ordinator for Maths
Aims of the Information Evening To explain the early Maths entry To ensure parents have information which helps revision at home To answer any questions and allow you the opportunity to meet key staff linked to examinations in Maths
The Level 2 Threshold Your son/daughter can achieve 5A* - C through a number of routes e.g. 5 GCSE passes in traditional subjects like History, Science, Geography, French Vocational courses such as Engineering, Performing Arts, Sports Studies. A pass in one of these is equivalent to at least a C grade passes at GCSE. A mix of academic and vocational courses Through Essential Skills like ICT, Application of Number Communication and Problem Solving
The Hard Measure To achieve 5 A*-Cs which include English and Maths. It is this traditional measure which employers want. Good skills in Literacy and numeracy help to unlock everything else.
The school’s A* - C pass rate is high, but does not always include Maths and English. We have some students who achieve a C in one or the other. As a school we want to ensure as many of our students as possible achieve a C grade, or higher, in Maths and English this year.
GCSE Mathematics November entry, 2015 There are 2 examination – a calculator and a non-calculator Paper. Paper 1 = November 4 th Paper 2 = November 10th
Why enter in November? A chance to bank a grade C in preparation to go onto the Higher tier. Two chances to get the required grade if maths is a challenging subject for some students Takes some of the pressure off in May/June Possible chance to concentrate on other subjects during Maths time
What happens in Maths after the November Entry? Results come in during the 1 st week back in January Classes carry on as normal from November until January In January some re-grouping will be done Some students can choose to study towards the Higher Tier exam, some continue with Foundation, others concentrate on other subjects once their C grade in Maths is secure
What Support is available? Mrs Devereux
How parents can support at home Mr Erlandson
Thank you Opportunities to ask questions, meet key staff and look at resources available to support study.