TEC Landtransport TEC Technical Education Copenhagen
Henning Bek Jette Nossell Development and Communication TEC Landtransport
Programme: Coffee and welcome … Presentation of TEC Short introduction to skills and competence assessment Guided tour of TEC Landtransport Competences and skills assessment in companies - Torben Bahn Lunch TEC Landtransport
6 different locations in the Greater Copenhagen area TEC Landtransport
A merger of 6 large VET colleges: Frederiksberg Technical College Gladsaxe Technical College Lyngby Technical College College for the Metal Industry Aeronautical Institute of Denmark College of Transport 4400 students/trainees per year 760 employees 648 mill kr. total turnover Technical Education Copenhagen TEC Landtransport
Main VET access courses: Technology and communication Mechanical engineering, transport and logistics Crafts and engineering trades Service industries Building and construction Other types of training and education: HTX KVU Specially designed training courses for companies TEC Landtransport
Founded: 1964 Trainees: 8.000/year Course weeks: /year Total staff: 80 Teachers 65 TEC Landtransport
Layout of main facility
TEC Landtransport Vocational education and training (VET) Short vocational training courses (AMU) … AND Specially designed training course for companies Two programmes
Short vocational training courses (AMU) From 1 day and up to 26 weeks of training For adults - skilled and unskilled, employed and unemployed, and managers Tuition 13 Euro per day Companies are reimbursed From 1 day training...
Vocational training and education (VET) For young people over the age of 17 and adults over 25 Exit at skilled level/ journeyman’s test Alternating periods of school education and in-company training Tuition is free Wages during attendance Companies are reimbursed … and up to 3½ years of training
TEC Landtransport AMU Adult vocational training courses for skilled and unskilled workers EUD Vocational education and training (VET) for young people VEUD Vocational education and training (VET) for adults Min. age 20 Modular system Basic/advanced (Un)employed Specially designed training courses Min. age Duration: 3 years School and on- the- job training Apprenticeship contract Min age 25 Employed in transp. Experience 2–4 yrs Duration:1- 2 yrs School and on-the- job training Apprenticeship contract Programmes for young people and adults
Warehouse - and transport operative Warehouse - and product operative Warehouse - and logistik operative Basic Education Duration: 20 weeks Can vary from 10 to 60 weeks according to the needs of the individual student Vocational Education for transport 2 ½ år Driving licence B TMLA1 LA2 TMLA1 LA2 TMLA1 LA2 TMCF1 Lorry driver CF2 TMCF1 Crane operator CF2 TMCF1 Refuse Collector/ environment protection CF2 TMCF1 Postal services CF2 TM CF1 Bus driver CF2 TMCF1 Train and railway B1 TM: Transport module LA: Warehouse module CF: Drivers module B1: Railway module RED: Rescue module Rescue workers RED 4 RED 2 RED 3RED 5RED 7RED 6 Compulsory special module Module with optional subject Journeyman`s test TEC Landtransport
Transportation of goods by lorries Transportation of passengers by bus and taxi Storage and logistics Ambulance- and rescue services Airport and railway Postal and removal services Operation of cranes Education and training within the areas of
TEC Landtransport Training fields Storage and indoor transport Warehouse organization Data based warehouse management Quality control Storage of dangerous goods Storage, logistics, indoor transport
TEC Landtransport Professional driving Training fields Driver education for lorry, bus, coach and taxi Driving techniques Fuel economy Export driving Transport of dangerous goods Operation of lorry mounted cranes
TEC Landtransport Ambulance and rescue services Training fields Paramedics and transport of sick and injured persons Emergency first aid on land and at sea Road service Salvaging and towing of all types of vehicles
Individual competences and skills assessment GOAL --> to set up an individual education plan IKA - individual competence assessment (AMU) Meritvejen - a shortcut to skilled status for adults TEC Landtransport
Meritvejen – a shortcut to skilled status Back ground: Min 25 years Experience from transport sector – min. 4 years IKA: 1-3 days Experience from work and spare time Education and courses e.g. AMU Licenses and certificates Assessment AND guidance Education plan and contract with recognised company 4-12 months AMU / VET education General subjects e.g. Danish, science, foreign languages etc Compulsory journeyman’s module - 4 weeks Journeyman’s test TEC Landtransport
TEC LANDTRANSPORT says thank you for listening