Date: November 2012 Hamburger Volkshochschule Facts and background
Date: November 2012 Hamburger Volkshochschule catering to a 1,8 mill. population, metropolitan area: 2,5 Mill. Volkshochschule: participants/year 6 regional centres (in the districts of Hamburg) 3 competence centres: German as a second language Basic Education/projects Cooperation schools/universities Courses: Languages Culture Health vocational trainings ICT Politics and more
Date: November 2012 VHS Centre for basic education and third party projects (GBZ) Third party projects The GBZ is a professional partner in various projects, funded by State of Hamburg, the German Government or the EU. Some figures: Courses and events 204 Teaching units 9500 Registrations 1500 Venues 50 (all figures are for the program year 2011/12)
Date: November 2012 Basic education courses New ways to education for people at a disadvantage Projects financed by the State of Hamburg Education on demand (public bodies, organisations, foundations, companies) EU- and ESF-projects National projects (Ministry of Education and Research) Others (selling printed material for teaching, cd-roms) Portfolio of the centre for Basic Education Centre for Basic Education
Date: November 2012 Core competence Providing regular basic courses in reading, writing, calculating, English courses on a low level, IT courses Low level/easy entry courses with every day topics e.g. cooking, health, education, orientation Courses for handicapped or disabled persons Providing courses for persons 55+ with little educational experience Basic education courses New ways to education for people at a disadvantage
Date: November 2012 German as a foreign language for mothers in schools of children Information series on “Growing older in Hamburg” BliZ- Learning Point in Osdorf (part of Hamburg with socially disadvantaged people) Projects financed by the State of Hamburg
Date: November 2012 MOLI, Hamburg (Mothers improve their life skills ) FRISM 50+, Senior learning ( ) PEACE, Peace Education ( ) LARA, Learning, a Response to Ageing ( ) EUBIA, LLP, Exchange of best practice Senior Learning ( ) POYO (Interreg IV) Maintenance in Harbour related industries ( ) EDAM Education against Marginalisation, LLP ( ) LILAS, Lifelong Learning, lifelong Sport (Learning Partnership mentally handicapped adults, ) SUDREAL: Regional Development through Education ( ) CHARISM: Supporting youth in transition between school and job ( ) MATURE: Making teaching useful, realistic and enjoyable (for older persons) ( ) EU projects
Date: November 2012 People with low educational background (youth, older persons) People with literacy problems People with migration background migrant seniors migrant mothers (Mentally, physically) handicapped and disadvantaged people Older people with little educational experience = these target groups often have an educational background lacking certification or acknowledged skills. Target groups