Energy Efficiency Design Index – An Update Dr Zabi Bazari Ship Energy Services Manager Lloyd’s Register, London, UK. RINA Lecture, 2 February 2012, London, UK.
Content Introduction EEDI formula and Attained EEDI Reference lines and Required EEDI EEDI verification IMO workplan and outcome of January 2012 meeting Likely impacts Conclusions
Introduction Detail 3
IMO initiatives for GHG emissions control EEDI IMO Initiatives MBMs EEOI SEEMP Ship owner / operator Owners / Charterers Shipyard Regulatory status: EEDI / SEEMP: Mandatory from 1st January 2013 EEOI: Voluntary MBMs: Early discussions Detail 4 4
New Chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI IMO MEPC 62 in July 2011 agreed to a new Chapter 4 in MARPOL Annex VI entitled “Regulations on Energy Efficiency of Ships”. This includes addition of new Regulations 19 to 23 Regulation 19 is on Application domain of Chapter 4 Regulations 20 is on “Attained EEDI” Regulations 21 is on “Required EEDI” Regulation 22 is on SEEMP Regulation 23 is on “Technical co-operation and technology transfer” There are quite a number of Guidelines in support of the above regulations. 5
Attained EEDI and Required EEDI Detail 6
Attained EEDI: Calculation formula (MEPC Circ.681) Main Engine Aux Engine (s) Innovative Energy Eff. Power Gen. Technologies Innovative Energy Eff. Prop. Technologies fc. EEDI = [gCO2/(tonne.nm)] Detail Boilers are excluded from EEDI! 7
EEDI parameters EEDI = Capacity: Main power: PME=0.75MCR Carbon factor Ice class factor Auxiliary power: PME >=10000KW: PAE=0.025Me+250 PME < 10000KW: PAE=0.05Me Capacity factor Wave factor Capacity: DWT: Bulk carriers,Containers, Tankers,Gas carriers,cargo ships,etc. GTR: Passenger Ship Shaft Motor Waste Heat Energy Saving Main power: PME=0.75MCR EEDI = Attained Speed fc [gCO2/(tonne.nm)]
Reference lines Reference lines are ship specific. They are part of Regulation 22 (in equation form). All new ship types, for inclusion in regulation, require a new reference line.
Required EEDI Required EEDI: The regulatory limit for EEDI. Cut Off Reference Line Linear range Required EEDI: The regulatory limit for EEDI. Required EEDI = (1 – X/100)*Reference Value Where: X is the Reduction Rate. Reference Value is calculated from Reference Line. Attained EEDI ≤ Required EEDI
Implementation stages and reduction rates EEDI implementation phases are: Phase 0 2013 – 2014 Phase 1 2015 – 2019 Phase 2 2020 – 2024 Phase 3 2025 – …… Reduction rate for the above phases are as in diagram.
Ship types subject of current EEDI regulations Attained EEDI: Following ships over 400 GT*: Bulk carrier Gas carrier Tanker Container ship General cargo ship Refrigerated cargo carrier Combination carrier Passenger ships Ro-ro cargo ship (vehicle carrier) Ro-ro cargo ship Ro-ro passenger ship Required EEDI: Following ships above cut off limits: * excluding ships with diesel-electric, turbine or hybrid propulsion
Start of ship construction EEDI Verification process Shipowner Shipbuilder Verifier Pre-Verification Basic Design , Tank Test*, EEDI Calculation Development of EEDI Technical File Application for EEDI pre-verification Submission of EEDI Technical File Verification: - EEDI Technical File - additional information Issuance of Statement of Compliance Submission of additional information Start of ship construction Final Verification Application for EEDI verification Verification: - sea trial condition - ship speed - revised EEDI Technical File Issuance of IEEC (International Energy efficiency Certificate) Sea Trial Modification and Resubmission of EEDI Technical File Delivery of ship * To be conducted by a test organisation or a shipbuilder itself.
Major aspects of verification Verification of speed-power curve for Vref: Tank test observation Speed trial observation Scaling method from “trial conditions” to “EEDI conditions” Correction for environmental conditions. Verification of “energy saving technologies” Availability factors (feff) Power levels Verification of various correction factors: Ice-class (fj) Weather factor (fw) Design capacity factor (fi) Cubic capacity factor (fc)
Some other major verification challenges Exact model? Numerical tools for calculation, scaling, pre-verification, etc.? Shipyards’ and tank test facilities’ proprietary data? Uncertainly levels and if there is a need for formal uncertainty analysis? How to ensure consistency amongst various organisations: ROs Shipyards Tank test organisations
List of the EEDI-related Guidelines Guideline for calculation of EEDI Guidelines for survey and verification of EEDI Guidelines for minimum power of ship for safe operation. Guidelines for validation of ship electric power table (EPT). Guidelines for verification of innovative technologies
EEDI Reduction Methods Detail 17
EEDI reduction methods Capacity (deadweight) increase Advanced technologies: Existing/proven technologies Emerging technologies Renewable energy technologies Alternative fuels: LNG Speed reduction Reduction rate DWT EEDI Baseline (3) Application of new technology (1) DWT enlargement Average EEDI of current ships (no effort for efficiency improvement) (2) Speed reduction Efficiency improvement by design change A: efficiency improvement MEPC60/4/35 Japan, Norway, US Detail 18
EEDI reduction likely options – Average VLCC
IMO GHG Future Work Plan Detail 20
Work still to be done by the IMO
Progress in Inter-sessional WG meeting (9-13 January 2012) Detail 22
Changes to EEDI formula Cubic Capacity Factors for Chemical Tankers (fc): Based on the ratio of summer deadweight to volumetric capacity (R) To be calculated according to the formula fc = R^(-0.7) – 0.014, where fc = 1 when R = 0.98 Cubic Capacity Factor for LNG (fc) To be calculated from Fc = R^(-0.56) Design Capacity Factor for Voluntary Structural Enhancement (fiVSE). Design Capacity Correction Factor for ships built to Common Structural Rules (fiCSR). Detail 23
New guidelines, non-conventional ships, etc New guidelines for verification of innovative technologies: Japan presented draft guidelines Dealing with wind, solar, heat recovery, etc. For each of the above technologies, there will be guidelines for calculation and verification. EEDI for Non-Conventional Ships Reference line for cruise ships Reference line for RoRo ships Reference line for RoPax ships Shaft generator: Incorporation of a new formulation for shaft generator. Also, cases where propulsion shaft power is limited and can be verified, there will be no need to use main engine power. Detail 24
Impact of EEDI on Industry Detail 25
Likely impacts More energy efficient ships and ship technologies Slower speed ships More use of alternative fuels More expensive ships/marine transport (excluding fuel) More optimised and complex designs with likely impacts on: Reliability/safety Maintainability Likely modal shift of freight transport to land and air EEDI will become commercially sensitive if used for: Existing ships Fuel efficiency-based chartering Reward-based marine MBMs or financial incentives 26
Concluding Remarks The EEDI regulations are now in place and will come into force from 1st January 2013. A number of guidelines are under development and will be finalised in 2012 in support of the above. Verification of EEDI pauses a number of major issues. There are a number of solutions to reduce EEDI including alternative fuels, alternative technologies and reduced ship speed. The EEDI impacts on shipping economics, safety and transportation competitiveness are still being investigated. Overall, it is anticipated that the EEDI will have a big impact on future of shipping industry.
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