The Law Strand Eddie Higgins and Jane Matthews
Glossary LPC = Legal Practice Course Post graduate professional course for those wanting to qualify as a solicitor, which follows on from a… QLD (qualifying law degree) or CPE (Common Professional Examination) LLB or GDL conversion course covering the “7 foundations of legal knowledge” Which are all regulated by the… SRA (Solicitors’ Regulation Authority) aka The Law Society
Context LPC3 = SRA ‘de-regulation’ of all LPCs Consultation with firms New competencies (‘day one outcomes’) to cover all courses But some flexibility over the detail depending on application All LPC providers now bidding to run new-style course MMU plans to run new LPC: PT from 2009 FT from 2010
The plan To integrate the SRA competencies into PebblePAD Focus on “pervasives” (e.g. Professional Conduct) Potential to branch into skills areas & beyond To create a bridge between LPC & work-based learning Part time first – then full time
Potential Bar Vocational Course equivalent course for students intending to become barristers Bar Standards Board (equivalent of the SRA) currently reviewing provision LLB currently involved in MMU pilot for PebblePAD for ug skills acquisition Tie in to UK Centre for Legal Education (subject centre) project on e-portfolios SRA considering use during training contracts