8 – Hydrocarbons Leaving Certificate Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Leaving Certificate Chemistry
Fuels Fuels are things which burn in oxygen to produce heat energy. Fossil fuels They are non-renewable
Formation of Hydrocarbons When plants die in anaerobic conditions, they become fossilised and hydrocarbons are eventually formed over time
Definition A hydrocarbon is a compound which contains carbon and hydrogen atoms only
Fossil fuels
Coal formation
Oil and gas formation
Fossil Fuels are Hydrocarbons OIL COAL NATURAL GAS These are all excellent sources of energy. They are superb fuels.
Methane – An Important Hydrocarbon
Why is Methane useful as a Fuel? It has a very high kilogram calorific value. It is easily distributed in pipes It is a relatively clean fuel 2004 – Higher Level – Q.6 (c) (6)
Sources of Methane Decomposition of animal and vegetable waste – For example in swamps From Cows….. From Landfill Sites 2002 – Higher Level – Q.8 (b) (3)
Hazards of Methane It is a colourless, odourless gas which when ignited produces explosions. However smelly chemicals called mercaptans are deliberately placed into natural gas supplies so we can detect leaks – Higher Level – Q.8 (b) (3) 2004 – Higher Level – Q.6 (b) (3)
Methane & The Greenhouse Effect Methane is a greenhouse gas and so it enhances the greenhouse effect which leads to global warming – Higher Level – Q.8 (b) (3)
Check your learning.. What is a hydrocarbon? What is a fuel? What is a fossil fuel and examples? About methane – sources, why good fuels, hazards?