Diversity Week at Southwest Warm Up : Block 1 This week is Diversity Week at Southwest. What does the word “diverse” mean? di·verse (d-vûrs) adj. 1. Differing one from another. 2. Made up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements.
Events for Diversity Week Monday: Student Council will give out different color ribbons for us to wear? Why do you think they are different colors? Door decorating contest begins. Theme : “This Is Us” Create handprints for hall mural Tuesday: Handprint mural put up in hall. Wednesday: Hat Day! $1 Thursday: Make A Friend Day Friday: Door Contest judged today.
Create Handprints for the 6 th Grade hall mural On the handprint you are given, write one thing about you that makes you unique and then decorate/color the hand. I can draw. I can sing. I can play soccer. I am a good student.I like to help others. I am respectful.I am funny:>)
Review the first five words in VCR Lesson 2 Hearing words
Root word Audi - Latin ( Audire ) meaning - to hear
Audible Adj. Able to be heard Sometimes when you whisper it is audible to others. The fireworks were audible three blocks away.
Audience N. people who hear a speech or performance. The audience gave a standing ovation to the dance troupe.
Audition N. – to tryout for a role or part. V. – to perform for a part or role. The students had to audition for parts in the play.
Auditorium N. – A large room or hall where people perform or gather to hear or see performances. We went to the auditorium to hear the orchestra play.
Inaudible Adj.- not able to hear, too soft or faint to hear. A dog whistle is inaudible for people to hear.
5 New Words for This Week Root word Phon - Greek word ( phone) meaning – sound
Megaphone N. – cone-shaped horn to make sound louder.
Phonics N. the study of the sounds of the letters of the alphabet.
Saxophone N. - A curved wind instrument made of brass with a reed mouthpiece and keys for the fingers.
Stereophonic Adj. – an electronic system that blends sounds.
Symphony Greek ( syn ) – meaning together N. - A long piece of music to be played by an orchestra.
Grammar Review Define the following: noun action verb adjective article simple subject simple predicate complete subject complete predicate
What is an adverb? An adverb is a word that describes, modifies, a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
Let’s diagram adverbs in your NB. 1.We studied quietly. (how) 2. We studied yesterday. (when) 3.We studied outside. (where) 4. We studied too quietly. (to what extent)
Ticket Out the Door Diagram the following sentence on a sheet of paper to turn in: The students studied eagerly.